Bookstore Dates

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POV: our girls going on a cute date to the local indie bookstore. that's it. Just two girls reading their favourite quotes, the ending is a bit more pg 13. no smut just two girls complimenting each other in a spicier way

**warning this story contains minor spoilers for the novel The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo if u haven't read it I recommend you read it (not necessary to the story) but if you have great lets be besties pls. **

When she stepped into the shop her eyes lit up there were walls and walls of books in any genre imaginable. Wanda raced through the isles of books pulling them off of shelves and reading lines to Natasha who followed her around occasionally showing her books she loved. they spent hours doing this. until Wanda made her way to the romance section. she ran her fingers along the spines of the novels looking at names and titles and covers. Natasha stood behind her looking at a wall of mystery novels. they had almost every Agatha Crystie novel but the one book she had her eye on was not there. Meanwhile, another novel had caught the small witched eye. 

"Oooh what about this one" Wanda says as she grabs a book off the shelf. The cover pictured a woman in an emerald green off-the-shoulder gown and a string of large cream-coloured pearls, the woman's chin-length beach blonde hair and tan skin. "The dress it's a 1950s ball gown" Natasha turned around looking over the small witch's shoulder. "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, I love that novel," 

Wanda looked up at her eyes filled with excitement "really" she said as the redhead took the book from her hands and flipped it open to a seemingly random page. "I borrowed Maria's copy a few months ago. She is stingy about her books so I didn't get to keep it" she said as she continued to scan the novel for a specific page flipping through pages until she spotted it "Ah ha" The red head dramatically cleared her throat earning a small chuckle from Wanda.
She looked at her girlfriend and then back at the book.

She smelled floral, like lilac powder, and her lips felt humid. Her breath was sweet, spiked with the taste of cigarettes and crème de menthe.

Natasha paused for a second. She looked at Wanda who was confused as to why she stopped "keep reading" she said planting a quick kiss on the back of her girlfriend's neck where her thick auburn curls met the back of her ear. Natasha giggled "fine I'll keep going" she turned back to the book. And Wanda went back to scanning the page while Natasha read.
Wanda loved how Natasha read. The way she strung the sentences together. The book didn't even need to be poetic when Natasha read it, it was poetry. Her hushed yet powerful rasp was made to read stories. She focused back on her girlfriend who continued to read

"When she pushed herself against me, when our chests touched and her pelvis grazed mine, all I could think was that it wasn't so different yet it was different entirely. She swelled in all the places Don went flat. She went flat in all the places don swelled.
And yet that sense that you that you can feel your heart in your chest, your body tells you it wants more, that you lose yourself in the scent, taste, and feel of another person- it was all the same"

Natasha looked at Wanda whose face was a bright shade of red. "Did you not like it?" Natasha asked closing the book and reaching to put it back on the shelf. Before she could put it back. "I loved it darling but out of all the quotes in the book why that one?" Wanda asked. "I didn't want to spoil the best moments"  

Wanda hugged the book tighter to her chest and leaned into her girlfriend. "Wands what is on your mind love" Natasha pulled her into her stroking her girlfriend's long chestnut hair, brushing it out of her face "it's that page"  Natasha paused and used her finger to bring her face to meet her own. "what about the page love" 

"it's how I felt the first time.. the first time. I-I kissed you or well you kissed me" Natasha melted with Wanda's words. "that spark the wanting for more, that passion, I remember feeling every second of that. us in the broom closet at the Stark Industries Christmas party. you found me I had been hiding from the noise" she paused for a second before continuing "I knew at that moment that I loved you more than anything, Natasha you were my spark, the one person in the world to make me feel that kind of simple yet complex attraction" Natasha didn't hesitate to pull the small witch into a gentle yet passion-filled kiss. "like that?" Natasha said as she softly tucked a piece of stray hair from Wanda's face "exactly like that" Wanda said as she tried to contain a chuckle. 

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