A/N: Starting another one shot

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Hey y'all sorry for being inactive as of late I have been super busy with stuff like packing for college. And obviously binging stranger things.

And in that note have y'all seen Stranger Things 4? If you have what do you think?

The reason I say that is because I have officially started my era of loving Maya Hawke bc AHHH she is amazing. And I was considering starting a Robin x Nancy one shot collection.

That does not mean the other two will stop I will just update each of them one every week. So for example this week I plan on doing a post for the RoNance (Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler) collection, next week I will post to this story and then after that I will update BlackHill. 
Hopefully that makes sense
Remember hydrate or diedrate or for my fellow members of the LGBTQ+ community hydrate or die straight

Later dinguses
Love u 3000
Ellie <3

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