Things Natasha Loves About Wanda

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potential tw:there is a mention of food near the end. just in is a warning 

Natasha loves Wandas simple child like fascination. She loves watching Wandas eyes light up at the littlest things like a pretty flower growing in a blossom tree and how she always has to stop to smell every flower and pet every dog when they go on walks. She loves how she will wake up before the sun to take pictures of the sun or sit on roofs to watch the sun go. She loves watching as Wanda will giggle like a school girl with a secret every time the pair goes out shopping with Hill and Pepper and she sees a new shop she missed the last time she was there. 

Natasha loves Wanda's smile. A lot like herself smiling is a rare occurrence with Wanda (genuine smiles). When Wanda smiles the top of her nose wrinkles and she leans into the smile or who ever she is talking too. When Natasha first saw Wanda genuinely smile after losing her brother was in there first date. It was a gentle smile but it lit up the room. Wandas genuine smile is caring it is full of love and hope. Natasha loves to see Wanda happy so when she sees Wanda grinning ear to ear wrinkling her nose it warms her heart knowing that she helped bring her any type of joy. Don't even get her started in Wanda's laugh it is genuine and bubbly. Her laugh despite carrying so much pain is still full of joy and passion.

Natasha loves Wanda's presence. Natasha loves how her and Wanda are content with being in the same room as each other and not saying a word. Natasha finds comfort in being around her girlfriend she doesn't care if they are attached at the hip or if they are sitting in the same room just enjoying being there. Just being able to look up at her girlfriend deep in focus on what ever project or novel she is working on is enough. She also finds comfort and loves those moments where they are attached at the hip or late at night when she can let her guard down and it's just her and Wanda. She loves every second of it. A moment where Wanda is one hundred percent hers and she is one hundred percent Wandas.

Natasha loves how Wanda makes her feel held. Her love language being physical touch Nat finds comfort in Wandas embrace. It does not mater the context she finds comfort in her touch she could be tending to her wounds after a gruesome battle or something as simple as the way Wanda always needs to be touching her while they slept. The same spark she got from the first touch still remains. She love the feeling of Wanda nesting her head on her shoulder and hugging her from behind while she cooks or when Wanda rests her head in her lap during movie nights with the rest of the team.  Wandas touch relaxes her and breaks down her walls just enough for her to feel safe. Compared to any one else Wanda's touch is familiar It is consistent. It is home to her.

Natasha loves it when Wanda will spend hours explaining the things that she finds interesting. She loves to hear her girlfriend gush about characters in the soapy and cheesy tv shows. While Natasha has never seen most of the shows Wanda talks about she loves to hear her girlfriend go on and on about what makes her happy. She loves to shed her girlfriend happy. She loves the sparkle that flits across her girlfriends mossy green eyes. It's like a spark goes off inside her that most people miss because they nudge it off or lose intrest in what she is saying. Natasha on the daily that she need not apologize for going on about her favourite things. 

Natasha loves Wanda's rough edges. although she hates seeing her girlfriend cry she loves that Wanda trusts her and sees her as a safe space. she loves that when Wanda feels on edge she has someone to go to instead of what she used to do that consists of locking her self in her room not speaking to any one, not eating, and not taking care of herself. at least know she can make sure her lover wont waste away locked in her room . she loves that she can also turn to Wanda in times of need. she knows that Wanda will be there to hold her after her reocuring nightmares of the red room. 

she loves Wanda through and trough. she loves how when Wanda loves she love with ever fiber of her existance. she knows all Wanda wants is to have someone share that same love with her. all though it too them a while to open up to each other Natasha wouldn't have it any other way. she wouldn't trade Wanda for any thing she loves what she has with Wanda. she would do anything to protect that.

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