Im here (a bit of both)

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Pov: Wanda stays back on a mission, while nat was on the mission they lost contact with the group. Until she returns Wanda is convinced the group is dead.

TW: talk of death, non Sh related scars(just thought id put them anyways)

Nats pov:
Natasha hated when the group was forced to go no contact, when she had to cut herself off from everyone except for those on the mission. She knew that Wanda must be freaking out especially since she had to go no contact with out warning. She had promised Wanda that she would stay in contact but when it came to Wanda's safety she knew that it was for the best.
She was happy to be going home. She couldn't wait to get home, to sleep in her own bed. To be with Wanda. She leaned her head against the window of the car. Steve and Sam were in the front talking about something. She didn't care, all she cared about was getting home to her gf who she was sure was worried sick "don't worry Wanda darling I'm coming home" she said to herself as she let the soft movements of the car and the sounds of the world lul her to sleep.

*Earlier back at the compound*

Wanda's pov:

"Why hadn't she called she promised she would call every night. Three days no sign she is ok. Natasha where are you" Wanda thought to her self pacing there shared bedroom. She was starting to get scared of what might have happened. She knew Natasha wouldn't do this. Usually Nat would tell her if she had to go no contact. But this was sudden. She was starting to assume the worst.
"What if she's dead. No she can't be nat wouldn't not call her if she was dying no contact or not." Wanda did her best to shake the idea out of her head but no matter how hard she tries she couldn't seem to stop.
She felt her self start to panic. She couldn't lose another person she loved so deeply. It has been one year since she had lost Pietro Natasha was all she had. Her eyes started to fill with tears. She ran to the closet on the other side of the room. She shuffled through the sweaters until she found a grey hoodie with black stripes. She took it of the hanger and put it on burying her face in the soft fabric.
It still smelled like her. She smiled at the soft smell of lilac vanilla and lavender. It was the closest she had felt to Natasha in a long time and the closest she would for a while. That thought stuck in her head again intruding what was a happy thought. Her eyes flooded with tears once again. She ran out of the closet before curling up in a chair that sat next to the bed. She didn't know how long she was sitting there but she was startled by a sudden knock at her door.  "Hey Wanda you ok. You haven't left the room all week"
It was Clint he had been making sure she was eating, attempting to get her to sleep. He made sure she occasionally left her room. She knew he wasn't going to leave any time soon so she reluctantly made her way to the door, she opened it and went back to her chair. He followed her inside and sat on the bed next to her "is that Nats jacket" Wanda didn't say anything she just nodded burying herself further into the jacket.
"She's going to be okay" he said. Wanda looked up at him. It was obvious that she had been crying for a few hours her eyes were red.
. "How do you know for sure, she has never just gone no contact without warning. She would always tell me when she won't be able to call. Wha-what if she is gone, not just gone. Like gone gone" she was stumbling over her words. Clint could see that she was tired, "Wanda, I know nat she is stronger than we all think. She'll be back soon I promise. She wouldn't want you to worry" despite Clint's reassurance Wanda didn't believe any of it her thoughts had won. She was convinced that the group was gone. Clint got up from the bed. Before he left he touched her on the shoulder "get some rest. Please for me" she nodded. He left the room to see Tony. "Any word on the group" he whispered as he softly closed the door "Rodgers got in contact today they can't say much but they think they will be back in a few days" Clint nodded

"How's the witch" tony asked leading Clint away from the door "not good tony, she hasn't slept, she's convinced herself that they are gone" tony stoped "she will be in for a surprise in a few days then"

Back in her room Wanda was trying her best to convince herself that nat was ok but she couldn't shake the idea that she was gone. She tried to call her but was met with the familiar voice mail "this is agent Romanoff I don't know how you got this number but I can't make it to my phone right now. If it's important please leave a message. And tony I swear to god." There was a beep she hung up. She felt bad for not leaving a message she she called again "hey nat it's me Wanda I am worried about you. You have never gone no contact like this. I don't care how injured you are just please come home. I need you I love you. I'm sorry for bothering. I miss you so much" her voice was broken. Before she fell asleep she thought to her self "nat please if you are out there just come home safe I can't lose you"

*3 days later*

It was raining Wanda was in the same hoodie. It didn't smell much like nat any more. She was sitting in the chair. Clint hadn't come to check in her she liked when she was alone. She had given up thinking about nat. But she was always in the back of her head like an anchor weighing her down, leaving her feeling heavy. The grief had started to set in. She fully believed in her heart that Natasha was gone. That was until a silver car came pulling into the front driveway cutting through the rain.
She didn't bother to see who stepped out she was already flying down the stairs.

Nats pov:

It was pouring by the time they got back. Nat had listened to Wanda's message multiple times on the mission. She wished she could have called her just to tell her she was ok. When they parked the car They all sat there for a second they wanted the rain to die down for a second. Nat didn't get out of the car until she saw a small blur race out of the compound and to her side of the car. It was Wanda she was wearing her jacket and it was obvious that she hadn't been sleeping. She opened the door. She was nearly knocked to the ground the second she stepped out
"Nat your alive" Wanda said throwing her self into Nats arms "I thought I had lost you.. I.. I thought you were dead..." Natasha cut her off "hey, hey I'm here. Okay hey Wands" she hugged the small witch tighter "don't do that again ok.. I can't lose you. I can't, you are all I have.. I can't do it without you" Wanda sobbed into Natasha's shoulder. "Hey love it's ok," she pulled Wanda in tighter.

Wandas tried her best to ground herself. She moved so that she could hear Natasha breathing over the sound of the rain. "I've got you. I'm not going any where ok" Wanda nodded. Natasha's hear broke seeing how much the mission had hurt her. She knew not being able to call wanda was hard but it had never been this bad. She knew this is what wanda needed right now. Wanda needed to know she was real. She needed to know she was ok.

The pair stood out in the rain for a few minutes until Wanda had started to shiver. "Let's get you inside ok, I don't want to lose you to something stupid like a cold ok" Natasha giggled as she helped Wanda inside. She wrapped Wanda in a towel and got her some dry clothes allowing her to change.
Once Wanda had changed. She went back to sitting in the chair that she had called home for the last six days. Natasha made her way over to Wanda. Both of them now in dry clothes. She rested her hand on Wanda's shoulder as she sat on the arm of the chair. "Hey love when was the last time you slept" Wanda didn't say any thing at first
"Wanda how long has it been since you slept answer me please" Wanda lifted her head and looked back at her "four days, but i tried I really did" her voice was horse and broken.
"It's ok I believe you" Natasha said as she squeezed herself next to Wanda wrapping her arms around her. "I really thought I had lost you" Wanda was now facing Natasha. She was running her fingers along the the scars on the tops of Natasha's hand. They were from past missions. Some she had even before she had met Wanda.
"I know, but I'm here and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon" wanda smiled. she was glad that her girlfriend was back. "promise" she asked curling up into her girlfriends arms. "I promise"

AN: OMG 800 READS OH MY STARS. I legit never thought any one would want to read what I was writing. What do we think of these switching pov stories. also sorry for the little break my life was crazy. any ways i hope u like this part. I promise i will eventually post more consistantly. again thanks for all the hype.

love u 3000

Laters gators,

Ellie <3

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