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Concept: Wanda wants to get flowers for Natasha for their first valentines day but doesn't want to get her roses. and eventually buys flowers but is worried her choice will mess up her idea of a perfect night.

valentines day (2017)

Wanda woke to the usual rukus and noises of the other avengers going about their noisy day-to-day tasks. she rolled over onto her side reaching her arm across the bed feeling for the usual heat of her girlfriend but was met with the other side of the bed empty. She crawled out of the bed and shuffled down the stairs to the kitchen where Tony and bruce were quietly talking about something that has to do with a new suit tony had created that night, thor was seated on the center island with a box of pop tarts and clint was hovering over the coffee pot.

"hey," she said looking around keeping an eye out for her newly turned blonde girlfriend "LADY WANDA GOOD MORNING" thor yelled jumping from his perch to greet the small witch. "hey have you boys seen Tash- I mean Nat, I woke up and I assumed she came down to join you guys"

"not today I haven't," bruce and tony said in almost unison. "I think she went out to get some stuff for tomorrow's party and to check up on Lena," clint said taking a seat in his usual lounge chair and opening his phone.

"Thanks, guys let me know if you see her" they all shot her a quick thumbs-up as she raced back upstairs to her room excited because that gave her all day to prepare for the next day. she was more excited about this day than any other because it was going to be the first valentines day she and Natasha were spending together as a couple.

Usually Wanda would go with her girlfriend to check up on her sister but today she had a lot to do she had already gotten nat a gift. It was a simple red sweater that she had seen in one of the shops the last time they were shopping. She still had to make dinner reservations, and buy flowers oh shit. She had to buy flowers.

Her and nat weren't the usual buchete of flowers type of couple they were the ones who picked flowers off trees and from the grass for each others hair or would give each other stones. The guys had taken to calling them otters because of it. Not that Wanda minded she found it cute and endearing. It had never occurred to her what types of flowers her girlfriend liked. She Knew what flowers reminded her of Natasha but those were only available In Spring and sadly it was the middle of February and there were no wild violets available in the compound yard at the time.

She didn't care what kind of flowers she bought  All she knew was that she didn't want to do roses. They were tacky and basic. For gods sake it was there first Valentine's Day together as a couple.

Wanda quickly rushed to the bathroom and made herself more fit to face the public. she puts on a button up red and black flannel shirt and black jeans and lace up plack boots.

she made her way back down stairs to find the guys all arguing over something "what is so important that you guys are arguing over it, also dont yall have valentines day stuff to do"

tony looked up at wanda in shock "maximoff this is why i like you, you remember stuf un like some people," wanda chuckled as he pointed his pencil at bruce whos hands shot up in submission, "hey tony you dont happen to know nats favorite flowers do you i kinda forgot about those"

tony looked at her and with every ounce of seriousness he had (which to wanda nevder seemed like much) "get her something she cant kill I ask her to water my plant once and she kills it" he said as he made his way down to the garage "your not helping me very much, bruce you dated nat for a while what flowers did you get her" his face turned bright red at the mention of his past relation ship with Natasha, they were dating until he vanished along with thor for a good 2years and 3 months. and when he had returned nat and wanda had just started dating. "i never really had the chance to get her flowers but id say she seems like a daisy kind of girl something simple yet wild just like her" wanda rolled her eyes "thats not what im asking im asking what flowers does she like not the ones we all assosiate with her"

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