Let me take care of you (w)

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POV: While on a mission Natasha is injured and left in a state of shock. Wanda helps tend to her wounds and lets her know that she doesn't always have to be the one to be strong.

Trigger warnings: *blood, stitches, mentions of past trauma, light swearing*

Wanda had spent the last few weeks trying too keep herself occupied while her girlfriend was gone. she usually spent most of her time in there room reading, watching movies, and even taking up new hobbies such as knitting. on the occasion that she would leave there shared bedroom she would spend her time with Tony and Bruce in the labs ort in the kitchen baking with Maria

Natasha Steve had been sent out on a mission to locate Bucky Barnes and free him from the grasps of hydra, along with freeing other soldiers, the mission was going to take a while, and it was going to be hard on Steve so they sent Nat and  Clint as emotional support and back up. while on the mission they saw more than they originally wanted.

when they returned Wanda had fallen asleep reading a book. when the four entered the compound all eyes fell on two of the four. either on Bucky wepons drawn or on Nat with insane concern. Nat who usually was quick to greet everyone without a word silently sat on the bench by the front door. "whats with her" Tony asked peering from around the corner at Natasha who sat with her head burried in her knees. Bruce slowly made his way over to Natasha and got down on her level.  "hey Nat L'm just here to make sure your okay. I'm not gonna hurt you"  he reached his hand out to touch the large gash on the top of her head that had been caked in at least 2 days worth of dirt and dried blood. but before he could touch her she swatted his hand away. he looked back up at Clint and Steve "how long has she been like this" he asked standing back up from his knees he gave her a concerned smile

"since it happened, we were raiding an old hydra base she saw a little to much at once it caught her off guard, over whelmed her, she wouldn't tell us what caused it but speaking of her past with underground solider rings I assume that's what caused it" Clint said as he made is way towards the stairs "I am gonna go fetch Maximoff maybe she can help" Nat lifted her head at the sound of Wanda's name, she looked scared, he didn't need her to say anything the look on her face said all Clint needed to know. her face said  I need her, and she needs me.

once he had reached there bedroom he knocked on the door. stood there for a moment before a bedhead stricken Wanda emerged from the other side. the second she saw him her eyes lit up that meant Natasha was back. but she quickly realized that something was up because usually Natasha would come and greet her herself. "Clint wheres Nat" she said her eyes racing around corners "thats why im here you better come see for yourself" he said. while they walked he told her what he had seen.

when they reached the main level of the compound Wanda's heart shattered when she saw her girlfriend in a state of shock and fear and pain. "Oh Nat," she said racing over to the redheads side. she paused then reached her hand out to the cut on Nat's forehead. Nat flinched causing Wanda to pull away for a second "hey, Tasha, love its just me okay, I'm not going to hurt you but your going to have to look at me" she said reaching her hand under her chin and placing her girlfriends head in her hands. when she saw Nat's face she nearly broke down herself.

Wanda had helped Natasha through nightmares, helped her stitch wounds while they were on missions together, and had even broken Nat out of an accidental trance she had caused. she had seen Natasha at some of her most vulnrable moments, seen her genuinly terrified, and seen her at some of the lowest points in her life, but she had never seen her like this, and it broke her. something more happened that she wasn't telling the rest of them.

Natasha gave Wanda a weak smile. "hey I need you to tell me what happend out there okay, I can't help if I don't know what going on " Wanda said as she started to rub away at the dirt and ash that was struck in the cut on her girlfriends face. Nat simply shook her head and went back to staring at the floor. Wanda quickly realised the problem, and grabbed Nat's face with both her hands, before pulling the red head into a hug. Natasha tensed up at first before melting into the embrace "there too many people here, isn't there" Wanda said. Natasha nodded, her face still buried into Wanda. Wanda looked up at the guys who were all waiting in shock. And looked back down at Natasha "hey darling I'm gonna need you to try to walk okay" she said as she wrapped her arm around Nat's waist and helped Nat to her feet.

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