Gone soft (n)

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Concept: nat has fallen for Wanda and after tonight's date she can't take it any more she goes to Clint and tells him every little thing she love about Wanda.

The night had gone perfectly. No, it had gone better than perfect.  The whole drive home I felt as if I was floating on a cloud. There was something about Wanda that made me feel like I was in a whole other world. she was gentle and sweet. I had taken her to my favorite cafe.

when we got back to the compound we both went to our respective rooms (I am not quite ready for the whole of the world to know we are together) I set my paper shopping bags on the floor by my bed and sit down just thinking about every her and how I wanted to be with her every second of every day. I went to the one other person who knew about our relationship. I had to tell someone.  I practically float down the corridor to Clints room. his was down the hall from mine. and across from Wandas. before I enter his room I pause to listen. Wanda is listening to music, but not any music she was listening to the playlist I had made her. my heart felt like it was going to burst from excitement. I can't contain it anymore I throw the door to Clints room open.

He looks up at me tilting his head for a second "So...I take it the date went well", I shut the door and lean against it trying to calm myself down. "went well, it went better than well, it was everything I had ever dreamed of.. well... she is everything I could ever dream of and more". I walk over to where he is sitting on the bed and let myself collapse next to him. He looks at me and chuckles  I feel my cheeks get red, and I sit up next to him.

"hey FRIDAY, mute the tv" the roars and noises of college football quiet and he turns to face me "so how did it go".  he had been the one to help me get together with Wanda in the first place so he was always eager to hear how it went.  I can help but feel that same floating feeling that I had the entire night as the memories start to flood back to me.

"I don't know where to start there is so much to tell you," I say thinking about the events of that night. "well how about you start from the beginning you took her to your favourite cafe right," he smiles at me. I drop my head in an attempt to hide the tomato red haze that makes its way across my face. "I know I just don't remember anything about what happened I was too focused on her" I pause expecting him to answer me but he looks at me and nods giving me permission to continue. once I start talking I can stop.  I tell him everything. Every little detail I noticed about the witch with auburn hair and jade green eyes who I had the pleasure to call my girlfriend.

"I love her so much, there are so many things I love." I pause to collect my thoughts and think of what to say first. I decide to tell him about the date and the things I noticed on the way. "You know the Jacket I gave her for that mission a few months ago, the green one with the buttons, she wore it. she knows how much I love that jacket on her" I feel my heart flutter as I think back to the way she would giggle every time the wind would pick up, or the way her hair seemed to glow like amber in the light pinks, and fuzzy blues of the sunset. or even the way she squeaked when I first grabbed her hand while we drove.

"Clint she likes my music, I gave her a playlist and we listened to it, and she sang every word turns out she loves Taylor Swift, you should have seen her face when Wonderland came on, I love that she isn't afraid to share this side of her with me, she is such an amazing person when you take the time to get to know her" he smiles at me "OH Tasha," he chuckles. I glance at him and then back at the door, knowing she is sitting in the room just across the hall.

"that's not even the best part, you know how she usually doesn't like to go to public places like stores or cafes,  this time she insisted we walk the storefronts, she was like a kid in a candy store, she practically dragged me into the record store, she loves old tv shows and old music as well, you should have seen her eyes when she was talking about them, she told me everything she knew about them, I had to tell her a few times it was ok to continue after that insisted I take her to the small boutique, her face when she saw all the dresses, and you should have seen her, she picked out this soft blue dress that looked like it came out of the shows she watches" I pause only to pull out my phone to show him the pictures and video I took.

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