12- Don't Runaway

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Spring has arrived, our last semester as second years, one more year until graduation. The first day back at school since fall semester, I was eating lunch in my classroom like usual. The door to my classroom slammed open,

"Of course you're here!" Nani shouted as she walked in. She was bright and full of life, as I sat there drained and wanting to go home already. "Why so gloomy?" She sat next to me and opened up the container to her sandwich.

"I've been working non stop since we got back home"

Even though work has not been too bad, it usually doesn't get super busy and if it does- it usually last at most two hours. After school I headed straight over to work. I haven't drank in a couple weeks because I was in Seoul and haven't had time to go out since I have been home. At this point, I was craving a drink. I walked into the ramen shop to find Miu and Akio sitting at the bar counter talking to Minato. I walked up,

"What's up?"

They all had a serious look on their face, I felt as if I was interrupting something. Minato looked at me, "Have you heard from Hirato?"

"No? What happened?" I worryingly asked.

I turned to Akio as he began to speak, "He just disappeared."

I looked over at Minato, he looked worried. "Did something happen between you two?"

Minato didn't respond. I looked over at Miu and Akio who just looked at me with concerned eyes. I walked behind the counter where Minato was,

"When was the last time you talked to him?"

He wouldn't look at me but still answered,"Last Thursday"

"Four days ago? Did you guys break up?" As I said this, Minato slammed his fist on the counter,

"Just shut up."

He walked to the back of the restaurant, I heard the back door slam.

"Apparently Hirato saw him with another guy" When Akio said this, my eyes widen and I stared at him in disbelief. I did not know what to say, I don't think I want to know what Hirato saw. Akio went on, "Yeah, last time I saw Hirato he told me he had seen Minato with another guy in the alley way next to the bar. He said he saw them kissing."

I leaned the side of my hip on the counter, "Don't they live together?" Akio shook his head yes,"And Hirato hasn't been home since?"


I grabbed my phone, "I'll be right back." I ran to the back door and went outside to see Minato who was leaning up against the wall smoking a cigarette, "Minato, what really happened that night?" I said in a serious tone as I walked up to him.

Minato blew out smoke from his cigarette, "Doesn't matter."

"I know you wouldn't just kiss some other dude. So stop acting stubborn and tell me."

He put down his cigarette and looked at me, "That guy was my childhood friend and the first person you could say, I dated. But one day he stopped talking to me and told me he liked women and that he would never be able to like another man. Then called me out in front of our classmates one day in middle school, I ended up moving schools and lost contact with him ever since then. Last week Hirato and I got into a stupid fight and I ended up going to the bar alone and he happened to be there" He stopped talking and looked down at the ground, "I started drinking more and he said he wanted to talk to me outside, I kept saying no but ending up giving in. He was apologizing to me about what happened and then he grabbed me and told me he still liked me and started kissing me. I was so drunk I couldn't push him off me and when I finally could pull away, before I could say anything to him I turned to see Hirato in front of us, staring at me with tears coming down his face. He ran off, I never got to tell him what really happened. He won't even answer my calls."

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