19-  Auditions

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The first snow fall- our second winter together. I applied to Tokyo University at the school of arts, my audition was this weekend. I still haven't told Nani about it, but soon after this audition I would know if I would be going or not.

    "Minato want to come to Tokyo with me?" I asked as took off my apron after closing the ramen shop, "My audition is this weekend, Hirato can come too"

    That weekend, I met Minato and Hirato at the subway station. I wore black leather pants with a white turtle neck and a long white coat with knee high leather boots. I was wearing my hair down tucked behind my ears with a black beanie and mittens. I walked up to Minato and Hirato who were bundled up from head to toe. I laughed when I saw them standing in front of the subway station looking miserable from standing out in the cold. We arrived to Tokyo and headed straight to the hotel that was near the university. It was a two bed and one bath hotel. Hirato jumped on the bed closest to the window,

    "So we're sharing a room" He said in an annoying complaining voice.

    I placed my bag down next to the bed, "I have my audition tonight actually, so you two have the room to yourself. I'll text you when I'm on my way back."

    Minato sat on the bed that Hirato was laying on, "Do you want us to come?"

     Hirato moaned loudly signaling that he didn't want to go out, "I'll stay here."

    I looked at Minato, "I would like that."

    I wore the same thing to the audition, minus the beanie. Minato and I headed over to where the audition was being held. The city looked even more beautiful in the winter, the buildings looked more vibrant, seeing people walk around with their umbrellas as the rain fell down from the dark sky.

    "What are you playing?"

     "A song I wrote."

     He was holding the umbrella over the both of us as we walked towards the University, "Wait. You're playing a song that you made?" We both stood in front of the building that audition was being held, "I'll wait for you, good luck Mika."

    I headed into the building, and walked up towards the stage.

    "Mika Yamamoto? Begin when you want" I smiled and bowed at the two people that stood before me, then walked up on the stage and sat on the bench that was in front of the classic brown piano, taking a deep breathe.

     I placed the two music sheets in front of me- A song I started in fall, finishing it this winter. A song about the first time I saw Nani out in the courtyard playing volleyball, laughing with her friends. About when she first sat next to me while I played the piano, the feeling of falling in love. The feeling that I wanted to last forever and the feeling I was scared of the most. A song about how I fell in love, a story that I did not know the ending of yet. I started the song slow, playing lower chords as the pace increased, then high keys towards the end. A slow steady song gradually getting faster ,while continuing playing in a soft manner. I felt the blood rushing to my fingers as I played.

    After, I stood up and looked at the two people who were there, an older women and man maybe in their mid forties were staring at me. I walked down the steps of the concert hall that the audition took place at.

    The old man turned towards me, "That was rather impressive." The man had long grey hair and a silver nose ring and wore a brown suit with a pink tie.

    "Thank you very much" I bowed.

     The women walked up towards me and shook my hand. She wore black pants and a blue blouse, her black hair tied in a pony tail, "I never heard that song before, what is it called?"

     "Actually, I wrote it myself"

    There was silence. I felt my palms sweating as I stood in front of them.

    Then the older gentleman smiled, "Even more impressive" He shook my hand, "I looked over your application, you have a high chance of getting in," He looked over at the women then back at me, "You should be hearing from the school soon," He smiled at me, then winked.

    I bowed again, "Thank you so much"

    "Have a safe trip bac,k" The lady said as I walked away.

     When I walked out of the concert hall, I saw Minato sitting on the bench that was underneath a tree. It stopped raining, I waved my hand and called Minato.

    "How'd it go?" He asked me as I walked up to him.

     I couldn't stop smiling, "Hopefully good."

    Hirato was asleep by the time we got back to the hotel. We ordered take out from a sushi restaurant we saw while walking back to the hotel. Nani went to a volleyball camp in Sendai, Japan this weekend with a couple other high school teams. I felt bad not telling her about where I was and what I was doing, or not telling her about applying to Tokyo University.

    We were eating the sushi we had order at the hotel as we sat in a circle on the bed. Hirato looked at me as he shoved a piece of sushi into his mouth, "So when you going to tell her?"

     "I'm planning on telling her everything if I get in"

    "And what if you don't?"

     "I'll still tell her"

    I was telling the truth, I planned on telling her everything even if I did not get in, especially if I did not get in. I got a text from Nani as we were on our way home from Tokyo the following day,

Date night tomorrow? I'll pick you up.

I'll be waiting. I'll plan it!

    We still went on our two dates a week, a promise we surprisingly had kept. I bought her flowers and tickets to the movie, along with making a reservation at a hotel restaurant. I wore a black turtle neck dress with an oversized black coat and black boots.

    "What do you have planned for this date?" She asked me as I opened the apartment door. She was wearing a short tight skirt with black see through tights and tall black boots, a white button down and a leather jacket. The first three buttons on her shirt were undone, showing some cleavage. I put the flowers I was holding behind my back in front of her. She looked at me then the flowers, then back at me, "For me?" She grabbed the flowers and hugged me jumping up and down,"You are too cute."

    "Is that Nani?" My mom came up to the door,
"Nani!!" She walked up and hugged her, "How have you been?"

     "Good! And you? How's the art studio going?"
     "Great! You two need to come over more."

    Nani looked at me and smirked, "We'll start coming more! Maybe you can paint something for me"

    My mom looked surprised, "I'll get started on that painting right away!" She said with excitement, I never have asked her to paint anything for me. Maybe I should have, but I am a little worried that she might paint something a little too rated R for Nani to hang up in her apartment.

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