26- One Year Later

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                                                                                      A Year Later...

"Mika, you ready?"

I threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt that was on the floor of my closet and ran to the living room where Suka was waiting for me. Suka and I decided to move into an apartment nearby the university, I started working a part time job at the cafe across the street and she was a bartender at some classy gay bar, which was a plus for me. We lived in an older apartment building, but the rent was cheap for a two bedroom and two bathroom. Suka is like an older sister to me, and Chuka and I recently preformed our first duet at the school of Arts classical music concert hall during the Spring of our freshman year.

A year went by faster than I thought it would. Fall had arrived, the leaves from the trees soon to fall. My second year of college, the start of my second year- without her.

"Hey Mika!" I turned around to see Chuka walking up to us, who still has yet to cut his long hair but now keeps it in a pony tail unbraided, "What are you guys up to?"
Suka wrapped her around me, "Grabbing lunch, want to join?"

Chuka then wrapped his arm around the other side of me, "As long as sake is involved, count me in."

We walked over to the bar that Suka worked at, there wasn't much to eat there but the drinks were always tasty. Every time I ordered my surprise cocktail, the bartender, Miles, would make a new one that I have yet to try- he surprises me every time with how skillful of a bartender he was. We sat at the couch table near the bar counter, with two leather couches on each side with a black table in the middle. Miles walked up to take our order, he is a foreigner that came from America, but speaks great Japanese. His hair is blonder then mine, rest below his shoulders. He was a surfer back in his home town and recently moved to Japan, into his step brothers house, who is Japanese.

Chuka sat across from Suka and me, "So how's the new place?"

"It looks nice! Mika's mom even brought us a couple paintings for the apartment when she came down."

My mom recently decided to visit Tokyo with her girlfriend, since I haven't been to Yokohama since I had started school last Fall. She brought three painting for us to hang up in our apartment, Suka loved them, unlike me. She hung all three of them up in the living room, which was directly across from the front door. Three painting of naked women having sexual intercourse, hanging up in our living room- for everyone to see.

"Can I come over after this?" Chuka, self inviting himself as always- but there was something about him that always made it feel easy to always be around him, in some ways he reminded me of Minato-, but less serious and mean looking. A few drinks later, we went back to our new apartment.

Chuka stood there in our door way looking at the paintings in the living way, "Your mom painted these?"
"Yes" I sat on the brown leather couch in our living room, "That reminds me," I took out my phone and took a picture of the paintings hung up and sent them to Hirato, who apparently has been going to my mom's art galley every month to see the new paintings my mom hangs. Minato and Hirato came down in the beginning of the summer a few months ago, sadly Akio and Miu could not come since they started taking care of Sato's bar, who decided to move to Seoul and open up his new bar- instead of opening a second bar in Tokyo. Hirato replied by sending me a selfie of Minato and him holding up peace signs in front of a painting my mom had gifted them recently. It was nice to see how close they have become with my mother since I left, for some reason it gives me a sense of security knowing they check up on her every now and then.

You coming home this winter break?

It was Minato, I have not gone home during any of the breaks I had last year- because I did not want to risk running into Nani after I blocked her that day. The worst part was, I was the one who ran away like the coward I am. I don't think I could ever face her after that, but she is probably doing just fine without me. But even after a year, I still think about her everyday. I received a text from Sato earlier that summer telling me to come home this winter break since he will be back in Tokyo. I told him I probably would not be able to with how busy I was with work and having to keep up with my rent. But he replied by mailing me a train ticket back to Yokohama. I will probably just end up making a dumb excuse for not coming back home, yet again.

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