24- Tokyo University

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I moved into the freshman dorms, I had the dorm all to myself- it only took me a few hours to settle in. It was a small room, about the size of my living room and balcony. With a twin bed in the corner and a small bathroom about the size of my balcony with a little shower and a toilet next to the sink that was in between both. My mom was shipping me new bed sheets and a mini fridge so I would have to wait a couple days for those. I sat on my new bed in the dorm and texted Nani, sending her a picture of my room,

All settled in!

Me too!

She sent me a picture back, of her dorm room. The picture had a girl who was sitting on the bed in her dorm back in Kobe. She had short brown hair and wore a revealing black shirt with white pants. I wanted to ask who it was, but I did not want to know. I didn't want to think about it- we were both going to meet people in college, I knew that. But for some reason I felt a stabbing pain in my chest when I saw that girl in the photo. I didn't respond, Suki texted that she would meet me in front of my dorm building to get dinner with me. As I was walking down my hall to go downstairs, a couple of guys passed me.

"Mika?" I turned around to see Chiko standing there. He smiled, "Looks like we'll be neighbors for this year. I'm in room 308."

"Room 307" I said as we both stood in the middle of the hallway. His friend called him from down the hallway,

"Well looks like I'll get another chance to play with you!" He said happily as he walked back to where his friends who were waiting for him.

I headed downstairs, I saw Suka waiting for me. I walked up to her, she was wearing low waisted jeans and a crop top flower sweater. Her straight dark red hair was tucked behind her ears, wearing round sunglasses.

"What up" She smiled as she walked up to me, "You liking Tokyo so far?" Before I could say anything she went on, "Well I guess you just got here."

I laughed, "I like it so far."

We walked a couple blocks off of campus to an Italian restaurant. It was humid but the sun was covered by the clouds in the sky- maybe it will rain. We sat down at a table next to the window.

"You got a boyfriend?" I was looking at the window when she asked me this, before I could think of what to say the first thing that came out of my mouth,

"Huh?" I turned towards her with a shocked look on my face, "I mean, no."

She laughed, "Sorry didn't meant to startle you."

"Do you?"

She was sitting back in her chair in a relaxed way, "Nah, not into men" She smirked at me then leaned forward, "But don't worry, I won't try to hit on you or anything."

"Well I wouldn't mind" Wait what did I just say, I stared into her bright blue eyes, they reminded me of the ocean and of my old friend back in Russia.

She looked at me with a surprised and curious look on her face, "Good" She winked at me.

I find out that her friend was the owner of the Italian restaurant, so we ended up drinking there all night. I told myself I would not drink so much that night, but I felt upset and jealous. Even though I didn't respond to Nani, she never texted me back after the picture she sent. I wonder what she was doing, who she was with, where she was- I wonder if she was thinking about me.

"You have a key?" I opened my eyes, I was in front of my door room. I looked over, Suka's arm was around me, holding me up. I must have black out, I don't remember drinking that much. I got the key to my dorm out of my pocket and handed it to Suka

"How did-"

She laughed, "It's fine it's fine, next time we won't have a drinking competition" She laughed as she walked me into my dorm and laid me down on the bed.

"I'm sorry" I sat up trying to regroup myself, "I don't know how that happened" I sat next to her on the bed, "I'm usually a pretty good drinker."

She smiled and looked at me, "Looks like next time you'll have to prove that to me."

"Did you drink?"
"Yeah but I stopped because you kept ordering more for the both of us but would end up drinking both of our drinks."

I held in my laugh and put my hand over my head, "That usually doesn't happen."

I looked at her, she was staring at me, "Well I should get going" She stood up and headed towards my door but turned around and looked at me, "Next time you'll be the one taking care of me" She laughed and headed out.

Fall came along and I started my first year at Tokyo University school of Arts. I had a busier schedule then I realized, with back to back classes almost every day. I put on a pair of white pants and black boots with an oversized black anime shirt with a beanie to head to my morning class.

As I headed out of my dorm room, I heard someone call my name, Chiko. He had his hair down, the first time I saw it not in a braid. It was wavy and longer than I thought, almost to the mid of his back.

"Class?" I shook my head yes as we got into the elevator, "You should join the music club with me."

We stood across from each other in the elevator, "You want to play with me that bad?" I jokingly asked as I smirked at him.

"You caught me" He laughed, "It's only one day a week, so it wouldn't take up much of your time. It's today, room B in the art building," He looked happy that I agreed, "We can go together."

We walked in opposite directions, I had class in the science building that the morning. My college year was starting off better than I thought, at least I knew two people. As I walked to class, I checked social media to see if Nani had posted anything- she did. I stopped walking, it was that girl again. They looked like they were out with other friends. Nani's arm was wrapped around her and their heads were both leaning towards each other as they smiled. Sake bottles in front of them- probably at a restaurant. But why, why would she post something like that. With another girl, having her arm around her, touching her in that way.

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