2- High School

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My second year of high school, at a new school with new people, in a new city. Our school colors were black and grey, the girls had to wear skirts with a blouse and the boys wore pants with a button up and a tie.

    I entered into the class that I was placed in and sat towards the back, by the window.

    My teacher was a tall younger man, who had middle length straight black hair and wore a suit and a tie. He pointed to me and waved for me to stand up and introduce myself, "We have a new student, please come up and introduce yourself."

    I awkwardly walked up to the front of the classroom, "Hi, my name is Mika Yamamoto, My mother is from Russia and my father is from Japan, I recently moved here from Nagoya." Quickly bowing and heading back to my seat after saying thank you.

    In school back in Nagoya, I used to get made fun of for having such a weird name and being half Japanese. My parents met when my mother was visiting Japan in her early twenties. They knew each other for about a year before they got married. I have a small mole on the left side of my chin and have tanner skin than most people in Japan because of my mother. I have blonde medium length hair, styled in a wolf haircut and my eyes are green-from what I have been told. I am five foot five and since I run mostly every morning, I would say I am in decent shape, but from my parents gene, I have always been on the skinnier side.

     When the bell rang for lunch, I soon realized everyone had their set group already. I pulled out the box lunch I had made for myself that day and ate alone in the classroom. I looked outside the window I sat next to, seeing a couple girls playing volleyball in the courtyard. There was this one girl, she was tall and had black shiny hair that was held back in a low pony tail. She had a thin face and looked fit and from watching her, she seemed popular. There was something about her that stood out to me as I watched her from a distance, she was good at playing volleyball and everyone laughed when they were around her or always had a smile when she was there, a beautiful site she was. When the bell rang, everyone came back into the classroom. A couple minutes later, I saw her walk into the room with another girl. She was wearing dark brown eyeshadow with thin black eyeliner, and she was taller than I thought she would be. Her skin was pale, I felt like I could not look away. She was wearing shorts that were just above her knee, instead of the skirt uniform. She looked even more beautiful close up and everyone wanted to talk to her as soon as she walked into the classroom, like a celebrity. But she left not too long after, since she was not from the same class as me. I did not see her the rest of the school day, until I was leaving campus. I walked through the outside hallway passing by the gym, the doors were slightly opened. I saw her standing up, bouncing a volleyball up and down while wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt. I stopped for a split second and watched her as she smiled and yelled something at what it seemed like-a teammate of hers. Then my phone started buzzing so I walked away and answered it.

    It was Hiroto, telling me to come into work to help him out. I headed straight to work, without thinking about how I still had on my school uniform. I had to take the subway that was close to my school to get to my work. When I finally arrived, I opened the door to an empty shop.

    "Well it was busy" Was the first thing Hirato said to me. As I stared at him from the shop door, he laughed and looked me up and down, "What are you wearing?"

    I walked over to the bar and sat down on the chair, watching him as he started making a ramen bowl, then he placed it on the counter in front of me, "For you, my lady" He said in a jokingly way.

    "I come straight from school because of you, idiot" I said as I started yawning.

     I was a little upset, but immediately forgave him when he placed the ramen bowl in front of me. "Make any friends?"

    I shook my head no and looked up at Hiroto with sad puppy eyes, putting my hands in a prayer position, "Sake please"

    I tried to look as sad as possible so he would give in, and of course- he did. "Rough Day?"

    "Hiroto, did you play a sport in high school?"

    "I played soccer, you thinking of playing a sport?" He said as he poured some sake for me. I shook my head no after taking a shot.

    "Are you going to do anything? A club? Sport?"


    "What about back in Nagoya?"

    For every question he asked, I took a shot of sake since I had finished my ramen. My mom was a painter and my dad was a surgeon. Growing up, I always kept in decent shape by running with my dad every morning and being placed on a strict diet since my dad was always a health freak. My mom was more free spirited, I loved watching her as she painted - Unlike my dad, who never took a liking to her paintings. My mother painted people, she loved expressing people's bodies through art, and she was good at it. Her paintings used to be bright and full of color, but the last painting she created was rather dull. It was the only painting she worked on this summer, of a women-I think that women was herself. My mom was the one who introduced me to what I loved doing the most, playing the piano. I only really played in front of my mother back at the house we lived at, in Nagoya. Her grandfather was a pianist who was well known in Russia, so every summer when we visited him, he taught me a new song almost everyday. My grandfather would always tell me that I had a special talent, just like him, but I never thought of trying to play the piano seriously.

    "I play the piano" I laughed because I felt awkward telling him that for some reason, "But I haven't played since I moved"

    I got up from where I was sitting and walked to the back where Minato was at and started to the clean the back counter.

    "Don't they have a piano at your school?"

    "I would assume so"

    "Check out the music room tomorrow"

    I said in an irritated voice, "Are you going to be like this all year?" Minato just laughed.

     After that conversation I wanted to ask Minato about Hiroto, but I felt like it was none of my business. I did not care either way, but I was curious. I want them both to be happy and I want Akio to be happy as well. But I did not want to come off the wrong way by asking, so I kept my mouth shut for the time being.

    But I think the real reason I wanted to ask him about Hiroto was because for the first time, I was attracted to another person, and that person was a girl.

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