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     Guards that were heavily armed were taking me and the other prisoner's to our new cell, while being escorted I kept looking at my surroundings, studying the new environment that I was now brought to. All the walls as well as the tiles were painted in pure white color, even when it was time to enter my own cell, every corner of the walls were white and a thin blanket and pillow.

I walked up to my 'bed' to examine it, touching the fabric to feel the rough texture as well as the hard pillow. I don't even know why the room was this white, it hurts my eyes a bit but I'm sure i'll get used to it eventually, though I do hope it's sooner or I might look like I have problems with my eyesight.

I lay in my 'bed' trying to be in a comfortable position as I can with this rough ass fabric and a hard pillow that might even be compaired to a stone. While laying down, my thought went back to the incident, the reason why I'm here. Damn that plastic bitch for accusing me as the killer and damn those people that were easily manipulated by that plastic clown bitch.

If only I was fast enough it wouldn't have ended up like this.. alone.. no one but just me.. and maybe other bitches in orange jumpsuits as well as those bastard guards who won't stop shoving the others in their cells, that includes me since I am now what they call a D-class.

I don't even know what D-class stands for or means but I know i'll know it sooner, I also want to know what this place is because this place do be lookin' mighty sus.


You want to know what happened? Well, thats nice of you to want to listen to me.. Well... it all started when..We wanted to visit or have a group meeting since it's been so long since we had one, I really miss them..

[][]Flash back[][]____________________

     "Aww, but I really want to have a group meeting today! It's already been so long since we did it!" A male with maroon colored hair whined.

"Yeah! It would be fun," another voice piped in, this time a dark brown haired male talked, "and it wasn't that long since we had a group meeting you fuckin' simp." He says, a bit annoyed by the maroon haired male.

The maroon haired male doesn't seemed to be fazed by the insult that was thrown at him. "But still! [Y/n], tell him that we can have a casual group meeting in our usual meeting place!" He said, mentioning my name, asking for permission.

"Don't approve [Y/n]" the dark brown haired boy said almost in a pleading manner.

While me who was just standing there listening to them argue for I don't know how long, was now dragged into their argument. I looked at them in a knowing manner, which they both understood.

"Fuck, not again.. this little shit you call 'Vawk' will start another argument with the whole group again, I dont know why this little shit even wants to have a meeting even if there wasn't even an emergency." Groaned out the dark brown haired male.

While the other male named Vawk made happy noises, "Yay! I'm glad you approved of the meeting being held and not letting Leo win the arguement!" Vawk exclaimed.

I gave them a small smile, "Well, I wasn't going to approve of it but I guess I just miss the others" I said.

So we went on and called for a group meeting in our usual hangout place and time, once they were all there we all talked about random stuff and current happenings around us. The person we talk about the most was the girl that always act cute infront of others while being a bitch infront of our group for no reason.

Once it was already night time we were still in a group, our group consists of 5 members, that includes me, the members are Vawk, Marilyn, Mike, Leo and me.

While walking we noticed 3 silhouettes in the darkness which sparked a little curiosity in Vawk, he wanted to see who or what those silhouettes were. How I knew? Because if something sparks him curiosity or something he finds interesting he'll look at that place like a hawk, he won't look away unless needed to.

It didn't take long for the silhouettes to move again but this time they were holding up guns while the other two shoots, one of them has a knife.

They shoot at me first since I'm stronger than the others, I didn't know that there was another one right behind us and they shoved a white cloth and punching me in the stomach then dragging me away from the others.

I didn't want to breath but I wouldn't be able to stop coughing either, so I elbowed them so that they would let go but I still inhaled some of it by accident, after doing so I heard lots of gunshots and screaming.

I panicked, I knocked the person who want to drag me away, tying his hands as quickly as I could then ran to the voices in the far corner. There I saw 2 of my friends lay motionless, I saw gunshot wound in their bodies and a stab mark. The other two were struggling since now it was 2 against 3.

I rushed to teir aid, yet I was slow because of the chemical I inhaled in the cloth, so I pulled out a gun that I got from the other killer. I shot the killers in their shoulder blades and stomach as well as ther legs, they were rendered immobile while I rush to my bleeding friends, doing compression on their wounds.

I was in tears saying sorry over and over again, I was sure they wouldn't make it even if I wanted them to live but they have lost to much blood. The killers? Well they were also slowly bleeding to death.

I feel utterly guilty because I was not able to save them, I felt a useless that I can't do anything but watch them slowly go. Before they died their last words were, ''Stay happy for us, ok?'' and ''Don't feel guilty.. live your own life without us.. we will always stick by your side even in the afterlife.''

Then I heard a annoyingly familiar voice.. the clown barbie.. She was laughing at me and my now dead friends, calling us pathetic. When the police arrived, the clown accused me of murder, even the police believed her..


     Now here I am, in this strange and suspicious place. I'm pretty sure this isn't just a prison but something more.. something less comprehensible, But I know that i'll get through it all.

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