Chapter 4: Lunch chaos

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     I looked at my food on the floor, which was the half eaten piece of bread and my uneaten apple. 'I didn't even finish eating my food yet and they just threw it away.. can't they just wait for me to finish?' I mentally said.

"Now leave, bitch!" They yelled, still acting like an asshole.

Every other class-D's were now looking at us, some staying quiet while the others are yelling the word 'fight'. Some worried and some eager to see a full fledged battle between me and the four assholic bitches.

I stood up with my head down, I took a glance at their faces to see that they were smirking at me. They might be thinking that I won't fight back.. well today is their lucky day to get their asses kicked by me, although I really wanna break a bone or two of theirs but I don't wanna get in too much trouble afterall I'm still new here.

"Now leave! These are our seats, ya' hear?! Now get yer' ass outa' our seats, you fucking bitch." They yelled, insulting me.

I took a peek at the numbers on their jumpsuits. 'D-9042, D-8999, D-9139, and D-8232..' I mentally read their numbers.

D-9042 being a tall, slim, but also buff with tattoos, black hair, and brown eyes with a scar on his right eye. D-8999 a girl with blond hair and the tips are dyed color pink, dark blue eyes, also has average height, and looks like a snotty brat with almost flat like boobs, and I guess the only woman in their group. D-9139 dark green hair with light green tips, black dead-like eyes and a tattoo on his neck. D-8232 a short man with reddish hair that has blond spots in bob style hair cut and greenish colored eyes.

D-9042 standing and looking menacing, D-8999 who pulled on my hair and threw my tray of food, D-9139 who insulted me and D-8232 who yelled at me.

"You four could've just waited for me to finish my little portion of food." I said, still looking down, mood slowly changing.

"What? You gonna go cry and go home to mommy?? Oh you can't!" The brat said mockingly and then laughed.

"Says the brat who is also stuck here," I said, my voice slowly darkening. Look at them with an empty yet menacing smile, "If you four just waited for me to finish my lunch, then maybe you wouldn't have signed up for a beating. Haha! Lucky me to have a few training dummies." I said darkly yet still holding my smile full of malice, giggling lowly.

They flinched, looked taken aback by my mood changing quickly and the dark menacing smile I held. The look in my eyes telling them that their in trouble yet still continued on, thinking that they would be able to beat me since its a four against one. Oh how wrong they are to underestimate their opponent.

Now my full attention are directed to them, presence fuming with danger. Still smiling looking at them darkly with malice stuck to my presence. Slowly walkimg to them with small steps, them backing away except for D-9042 but he, as well as the other and other watchers sweat a little, but the four was sweating more than the other's.

Why is my presence like that as well as my mood? The same thing happened to my friends too. I'm just releasing my anger on them, the stress and the sadness that's left with me.

Not only that but im also fucking hungy, I haven't eaten anything except for one bread and a half of the other, not only that but I'm also tired and having a slight headache.

Mushroom head a.k.a D-8232 was closer to me, so I grabbed his hair and pulled on it hard, putting my foot below him to trip him to my seat, hitting his head on my table. He wasn't able to fight back quick enough, head hitting my seat before passing out. Head having a big red bump on his head from the impact.

The other three were shocked, even the other class-Ds that were watching. By now the observers of our fight were cheering on yelling fight. I guess I could say some were betting on who will win, some didn't want to bother and just walk far from us, some were gonna inform the guards and some wanting to see the show, the battle that was about to happen.

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