Chapter 7: You

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          You sent a slight glare to the duo. They shook like a leaf in the windy day. You didn't want to do anything but you did want them to shut up, thankfully you have Doc by your side.

You looked up at him since you were in a slightly crouched position. You just stared at him, while he was staring back.. he was analysing the expression you were making, then he understood the cause not too long. SCP- 049 stared back at the huddled duo, while you were waiting for his next move.

'Will Doc's touch do the same to them too?' You questioned in your head.

You were so interested to know on how he could do it. You wanted to know what more he could do other than the death touch.. but then a sudden thought barged in your mind.

Why weren't you panicking or even giving them remorse..?


You didn't know why... so you tried to push that thought and went back to analysing the doctor you met.

You couldn't see his face much since you were slightly behind him and that he wears a plague doctor mask, but you could somehow feel that he was glaring at the duo. You sat down and watch, watch what was going to happen next.

You saw the two squirming under the SCP's -what you assume was a- glare. Doc took a step forward, reaching out his hand once again. You heard the two scream, you heard one of them run to your direction. Using you as a shield, they might have been thinking that you would help them, thinking that you might feel bad or feel sympathetic for them.

"Stop him! The monster is going to kill ••••••!!" D-8999 yelled, demanding for you to stop the SCP from harming the other D-class.

You covered your ears as you immediately stood up making her stumble and fall down on her bottom. Your eyes were slightly glowing in the dark -though barely visible- as you glare at her.

You scoff before speaking, "You're so dumb, thinking that I could stop Doc."

Your tone of voice became slightly deeper, scaring the woman that was now infront of you. You were mad at the woman that was infront of you, you were already having a headache from all their shouting.

But you had the feeling that you could stop the SCP but decided not to, they brought this upon themselves and dragged you along with them.

"If you and that 'big brother' of yours didn't start the fight in the first place, this wouldn't have happened. Blame this on yourselves." Your words were laced with venom and hatred towards them.

You both heard a loud thud echo as the room became deadly silent. The woman shuddered as she stared at her now fallen friend. Big fat tears rolled down her cheek from her widen eyes as she stared in fear, grieving for her friend.

But all of a sudden she became silent as she faced down, tears still falling from her eyes to the cold hard tiles below her. She quietly stood up but still faced down. You could see her shoulders tense and trembling.

She glanced your way, making eye contact with you. Her eyes looked dull yet tears wouldn't stop from falling. Your eyes stared back with emptiness, face blank as ever, sending her an apathetic look.

She whispered incoherent words yet you could understand her whispers. She repeated the same words.

"Your-.... -ault... your.. fault.. your fault.. your fault.." Every word she spoke became clearer and clearer each time she repeats them.

"It was your fault.. IT WAS YOUR FAULT!!" She yelled as loud as she could, face now facing your direction.

You tried not to flinch at her loud yell, not wanting to look away, knowing that she might do something. And she did. She ran at you as fast as she could, preparing her hands to knock you down and choke you on the floor. You caught her hands yet she successfully knocked you down in the corner of the room, now her body was sitting on top of yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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