Chapter 1: Breach encounter

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[][][]Reader's POV[][][]

     I was trying to get some rest when I heard distant voices. Must be the guards, I thought. I heard them say something about picking some D-class'es for an experiment or something. I was not afraid, rather curious as to what happens.

I heard shuffling in the right side of my cell, not just shuffling they were begging the guards to find other class-D's to use and not them. I heard their boots click to the ground then I could hear someone sobbing, after a few seconds of demanding for the D-class to get out or they'll shoot, they took off with the sobbing D-class and took one more.

The sobs and boot clicking to the ground became distant. By now I'm drifting off to my thoughts, thinking of why the D-class was sobbing earlier. I was thinking if that D-class has been here for a long time now because of his reaction to getting picked out by the guards.

It took long for me to finally get some sleep. In those dreams were me and my friends, having fun and talking to each other, a play back of when they were still with me. A tear slip past my eyes to the rock-like pillow.

[][]Time skip[][]

     I yawned, now I was awake. Im pretty sure it's still night time or it's just i'm tired, I woke up from an alarm going off.

"SCP 106 has breached containment" the speaker says, my ears hurt from that, it was so loud. Damn my sharp high sense of hearing.

Sooner after the announcement, another announcement came after.


"This Site is experiencing multiple Keter and Euclid level breaches!

All researchers should move to safe zones!

All security staff must report to the breach zones to aid in recontainment!

MTF epsilon-11 'Nine Tailed Fox' is incoming to offer support!

Hold out until MTF support arrivess!

Secure. Contain. Protect."


Well fuck. I don't know what is happening out there except for the fact that it's dangerous since their even calling for back up.

The cell doors suddenly opened, but not just mine but every other cell opened as well.

When I peeked outside, lots of D-class'es were either fist fighting and/or escaping. Damn this! I ran out of my cell keeping my distance from the other D-class that I get close to, once I was close to the metal door, I pressed the button then walked out carefully while observing my surroundings for any opposing danger.

I sprinted hallways after hallways picking up any necessities from the corpses I encounter, after walking through hallways that were covered in blood, I encoutered with what seems to be a person with a white bird mask in a medieval plague doctor outfit surrounded by zombies.

He was looking in the other direction but the zombies that surround him seems to notice my presence and came closer to my direction.

'Ah fuck, I thought zombies were only in movies! But looks like i'll have to practice my fighting skills on these zombies.' I thought, now pulling out the gun I stole and pointing it to the zombies.

The plague doctor now noticed my presence after hearing my gun going off, when I looked closer he seemed to have been taking notes in his notebook or journal. Even in my distance I can see his eyes widen from what I suppose was surprised by me or my loud gunshots.

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