Chapter 5: Meeting new scientists

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     Now being brought to the infirmary with mushroom asshole, I was pretty chill except for the pain and slightly coughing blood. Even escorting us they had to support me because my legs were tired but I can still walk, just feeling like my legs would give out. Mushroom head on the other hand was being carried by a guard to the infirmary.

I was actually curious on where they are going to bring big man with anger-issues, but I do wish him a bad time because I was in pain and may or might not be limping.

But so far i'm happy that I didnt get any punishment... not now atleast, but I do hope that my punishment won't be so hard.. and if a class-D does push the blame on me, I hope they will have fun hanging out with me.

I internally smirked. I wiped the blood trickling down my mouth to my chin. The feeling of my legs are slightly getting better and now I can walk without support but would still crouch slightly from stomach pain.

How long are we gonna keep walking? Was it always this long or is it just me? I do hope that the Doctor in the infirmary is nice and not a mean ol' grumpy pants.

I sigh, "How.. long ti'll we g-get there...?" I asked softly, slightly stuttering from the pain, though slightly going away.

Still looking forward, one of them say replied, "We're already near." They huffed.

"O-oh..." I muttered, staying quiet after.

While walking I hear distant shouting and screams. I feel like I remember those voices even though they were distant but familiar. We kept walking forward the shouts and screams gets louder and louder, I put my free hand on my other ear to lessen the yells of the people inside.

Now besides the door, the screams seemed to have died down a little. Must be a trouble maker or someone who had an accident is in there.. and maybe the doctor was scolding them? That would be funny to watch but I feel like I'm near on being deaf, but lucky that the shouting and yelling's have lessen than they were before.

I entered the room after the guard opened the door, there I saw the goofy looking man and the man that has a ukulele or should I say Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef, who are patched up.

Wait theres two more, the man with brown hair and glasses must be the infirmary doctor and the other must be another patient because of his patched up face and his cast-up leg and arm.

They stopped yelling at each other and looked at me. I looked back holding a 'what the fuck' look on my face.

"What seems to be the problem?" The brunette doctor said.

'He seems to be exhausted.' I thought, still feeling pain in my stomach.

"These class-Ds had a fight in their cafeteria a few minutes ago, just need them to be checked up before bringing them back to their cells." Said the guard beside me, being polite to the doctor.

"Ah, I see. You may leave now, I'll just call when I'm done checking up on them." He said, giving us a tired smile.

As requested by the brown haired doctor, the guards besides me left and closed the door. While the others that were carrying the unconscious mushroom head, brought him to a infirmary bed.

"I'm Dr. Glass." The brunette said, now known as 'Dr. Glass' said politely to me, still wearing his tired smile.

I smiled back, though only lightly. "Nice to meet you, Dr. Glass. I'm [Y/- I mean D-9341." I corrected my introduction.

"Ah, theres no need for me to call you your identification number, your name would be just fine." He commented while leading me to a chair. "Here, please sit." He offered.

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