Chapter 2: First test

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     I was woken up by distant voices that were getting closer until they were infront of my cell door. Damn my high senses.. I heard them unlocking my cell door saying, "Oi! Wake up you damn D-class!" One of them yelled in my cell.

It pretty much hurts to hear them yell in my small cell, hearing it echo in every corner repeated.

"Ack-!" I jolted up, covering my slighty ringing ears. "Yes..?" I said. I was a bit mad from the sudden loudness in my cell but suppressed it, to not cause any unnecessary problems.

Standing up immediately to not hear them shout anymore, I went to my cell door immediately, awaiting their next order. Even though I was pretty much annoyed because of their intrusion, I will just let it go.. for now atleast.

"If you try anything, escape or attack, we are authorized to shoot any disobedient D-class." They said in an annoyed tone. "Just follow us." The other guard spoke.

I nodded my head, I wanted to ask them where were they taking me but decide against it to avoid annoying them. I just followed obediently, though observing and studying my surroundings is what i'll be doing every now and then for future plans.

The other guard behind me seems to notice me looking around, "If I were you, don't plan on escaping it's useless now that your here." He scoffs.

Still walking, I took a glance at him and said, "I wasn't even planning to. I know that I will either end up dead trying or get injured and die." I said calmly.

I'm not afraid of death, death is natural even if we want it or not. I mean its not my first time seeing someone die, i've seen worse. If it weren't for that ugly ass clown-barbie who wanted to frame me, I wouldn't have end up here and wouldn't have to experience and see my close friends die... again....

He just listened and nodded his head in understanding, "It's good to know that you aren't a pain in the ass like the other D-class, atleast your following without any problems." He huffed out.

I chuckled a bit and gave him a nod and a 'thank you'.


     We continued on to our supposed destination, which is an office with a bunch of scientists inside. Once I was sitting in my chair they asked me lots of questions, which somehow gave me a headache.

Questions like, "What do you know about SCP 049?", "What did he say to you during the breach?", "What did you do with SCP 049?", and blah blah blah. It was quite tiring even though they were only asking questions.

Every questions they ask, I answer them truthfully, but ofcourse, I needed to leave out a few things. They don't need to know everything I did, just answering them with a short reply.

Eventually the questioning ended which I'm thankful for. I sighed, I was a bit exhausted, I mean who wouldn't? Especially when they question you for hours that even you would loose or forget what time it started until you hear them mention the time themselves.

After what seemed to be like 1 and a half hour had past before ending our session of questioning, they immediately said that I will be used for testing or should I say, to clean up a certain SCP's containment chamber.

I feel like I need more sleep but noo, they want me to clean up an SCP's cell. What am I? A janitor??


I mean I technically am a prisoner but ain't a janitor, but they did also said testing which got me hooked up. I was curious if this SCP will be like Doc or as nice as Doc, that would be nice..

I followed them to the containment cell of the SCP that we will be brought for testing.

After a few more minutes of secretly memorizing my surroundings, I suddenly spoke up, "So which SCP am I going to meet?" I wanted to start a conversation to atleast make a friend or friends.

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