Chapter 3: Names

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     Since my eyes were already closed, I was just waiting for the sculpture to break my neck, which never happened. I was so confused because of this and looked up to the statue which was infront of me, it could easily break my neck since it's hands were both besides my neck.

Questions run my mind, I don't know if it's because it still needed time to break my neck or it just didn't want to do it. I didn't want to take chances so I walked backwards, away from it but still keeping eye contact with it, just to be safe. Even though I was curious and want to see if it did needed time or not, I also didn't want to die. While walking away, I heard the chamber door open, which mean I can finally leave.

I heard the chamber intercom or speaker spoke, "The remaining class-D, please leave the containment chamber. Cleaning will be postponed until further notice." The scientist in the control room said

Still looking at the statue, I slowly made my way to the exit carefully to not trip and fall. Once I was near the exit a hand grabbed my jumpsuit collar and pulled me out harshly that I even almost lost balance but luckily I didn't.

When I looked at the person who harshly pulled me out, it was actually a guard or.. the guard that escorted me here and how I'm sure they will be the ones to bring me back to my cell, and I was right.

Now being escorted back to my cell, it was quiet. But that quiet moment was interrupted by the guard infront of me, saying, "Wow your a lucky class-D, after hearing that the lights were having problems and keeps going on and off, we thought you'd die for sure." He said. A he because of his masculine voice.

I don't remember him talking to me except for the time he gave me instructions. Then the guard behind me spoke, "Yeah, lucky you. Only a few Class-D's survive in 173's containment cell, but some.. not so lucky, they're neck twisted like the other 3 class-D's in the cell that you were in." Says the guard that was being an ass to me.. I don't think I said this but he's also male, but im sure you already guessed it anyways.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, I thought I was done for a moment there, but I actually didn't expect to survive." I said with a tiny bit of happiness. But true though.. I actually thought I would die but I guess I was lucky enough to not die like everyone around me did.. I don't even know if that counts as lucky...

While we were still walking back to my cell, I couldn't help but look at the plaque with pictures and numbers on them. I didn't pay much attention to where we were going, it was kinda boring just walking and doing nothing.

Once I notice that the hallway that we were was not the way back, I thought I'm going to go to another test but when I looked infront of us, I smell a tinge of soap and shampoo. Well now I know I'm going to the shower, I thought it was just me and my high sense of smell can smell that, but damn I smell foul like the cell that I was just in.

I actually thought that they don't have a shower here. I mean it would be kinda weird if I did thought that they have a shower because in prison they dont have any just a bed, sink, water, and bucket. Not gonna lie, I'm happy that they have an actual shower here. I don't want to smell bad, i'm very conscious about it but it doesn't make me shy or embarrassed as much since I can't shower everyday, they won't allow me anyways unless I have a reason to.

I was brought back by their voice, telling me to get in the shower because I smell bad. 'Well, no shit.' I mentally said. I mean who wouldn't carry out the smell when we were just in that room full of blood mixed feces.

I entered the shower, happy to finally take a shower. It's been like weeks since I had one because I was in prison for weeks or maybe a month, I dont know, I already forgot.

I took off my clothes and got in the shower, turning it on and just enjoying my time in the shower. Atleast now i'll be clean and won't smell bad.

I let out a sigh while picking up the soap near me, scrubbing my slightly scarred skin gently. When I was done scrubbing my skin, now I was using the foundation shampoo. It wasn't much just normal soap and shampoo for cleaning our body but its good, I appreciate having to finally clean myself.

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