Chapter 6: Test reunion

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          It was really fun hanging out in the infirmary even though Dr. Clef kept silently cursing at us, he also kept his glare and the scowl on his face until I was out of the infirmary. It was very memorable, memorable because of Dr. Bright's remarks and the arguments he and Dr. Clef had before I left. I kinda wish that I could've stayed longer, I miss having casual conversations, it feels nice and helps me mentally.

Even though the whole time I was in the infirmary was chaos I kinda like it.. Except for the fact that their yells and screams were hurting my ears and giving me headaches again and again, even remembering their screams right now already gives me light headaches, but overall, I'd want to spend sometime with them again, even if Dr. Clef was annoying.. very annoying because of the insults he kept throwing at me.

[][][]No one's POV[][][]

          You were currently in your cell taking a little nap, though that did'nt last long until you were called out of your cell. You were still having a slight headache from either the lack of sleep or yesterday's event with the chaotic scientists'.

"'Aight, get out n' you better not do anythin' or else you'll be eatin' some bullets." The guard looked at you then rolled his eyes, he sounded very annoyed.

You got up and went between the two. 'A new guard..' You though, silently chuckling but it seems that your smile didn't go unnoticed by the other guard.

"Ey [Guard name] it seems that the class-D is laughing at your accent. What a rude runt this bitch is." Laughed guard 'A'.

"Tch. I'm glad that ya' ain't comin' back after this." Guard 'B' huffed out, words laced with annoyance.

'I will be naming these two as guard 'A' and guard 'B.' You thought.

You were annoyed but still stayed expressionless. You didn't want to cause a problem, so you just played it off as if you aren't bothered by them. But you are bothered by one thing though.

'What does he mean by 'not coming back'?' You mentally asked.

As they continued to escort you away from your cell. You internally sighed, not wanting them to continue insulting you. You didn't want to start problems so you just looked around, trying to find something new. It didn't take long until you saw an elevator and walked in.

[][]Time skip[][]

          It didn't take long until you and the guards reached your destination and nothing interesting happened, all you felt was the awkward tension in the elevator up until now. When you stopped walking, you were standing infront of another room. A scientists came out of the room and introducted you to wait inside until the others have arrived, which you followed obediently.

As you were waiting inside, you became slightly dazed by the smell of the room. The room had a faint smell of blood, you didn't know how to react, yet you weren't feeling much negative unlike before. It only reminded you of something from your childhood.

Not long until you were snapped out of your dazed stated by the room door opening with a few people entering. Your brows furrowed, nose slightly scrunched up, a frown can be seen on your face. You weren't happy about seeing the people who entered the room, though you were satisfied by the look on ther faces which held the look of disbelief and horror. When they saw you, their once scared-shitless look turned into anger and resentment.

The class-D woman pointed her finger in your direction. "YOU! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU BITCH!!!"  She yelled out in rage.

"D-8999, if you don't calm down we will resort on terminating you on the spot." A familiar voice warned her.

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