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𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲:in the bleak midwinter

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𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲:
in the bleak midwinter

tw: death of a major character,
suic!de attempt.

Home. Tommy never thought he would find a home again, someone to love deeply and endlessly. He really thought Grace was the one and he had ruined his chance of being happy forever. But, was it possible for him? To be happy forever? Then, Margaret Kegley at the time stumbled into his life at the most unexpected moment. He had lost his wife a few weeks before, had just lost his brother and she entered this messy world of his but she managed to make it better. Much better.

Perhaps, life and God had given him a second chance.

Margaret was his second chance.

Again, Maggie completed him. She, compared to him, knew where to draw the line and when to not cross it. Something Thomas had been struggling ever since he came back from France. In his mind, Thomas Shelby had no limitations but his wife did. Maggie had limitations and she wasn't scared to show it. God knew he had crossed the line too many times with her, he had put her through a life of misery for the last few years yet she stayed.

It had been a week now, Thomas was completely sober of Opium which he never thought possible but again, his angel had helped him. Yes, Maggie was an angel. An angel sent to save him. He had never realised how life was good these last few days despite Mosley being a constant threat. The world seemed warmer and it was as though the landscape had gained a little more colours. Yet, he knew he didn't deserve her. Not at all, actually. He had known this ever since they danced in the small living room in Small Heath.

His children's laugh echoed in his mind and he noted that he had never heard laugh so loudly.

"Mag, I'm home," he called from the double doors as he took off his coat. He looked up, seeing her walk down the stairs.

"You are home early," she stated, offering him a smile. A warm one. "What is it?"

"Nothing," he admitted. "Just thought we would spend some time together before Mosley's meeting tomorrow," he added as she hummed. "Are the boys busy?"

"In the playroom," she answered with a chuckle. "Elliot loves to play with these little horses that you bought for him. He adores it," she told him, reaching his side as she circled her arms around her torso and rested her head against his back.

Tommy reached for her hand and gently brought it to his lips as he kissed her knuckles, "I am happy he does," he whispered, eyes closed. "Take me to the boys, yeah?"

"Of course," she replied, tip toeing to kiss below his ear. Grabbing his hand in hers, she lead him upstairs and pushed the playroom door. "Look boys, daddy is home," she said, snapping them out whatever they were doing.

THIS SIDE OF PARADISE...THOMAS SHELBYWhere stories live. Discover now