The Excitement of a Celebration

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You stood under the shade of a tree in order to escape the intense heat of the sun. As you looked towards the mansion you were headed to butterflies raced through your stomach. Finally, after all this time, you had made up your mind to confess your feelings to your childhood friend, Yosuke. Just thinking about him caused excitement to fill your whole being. He had never paid much attention to his surroundings, but you hoped he'd paid attention to you.

Although you were technically a noble you had met Yosuke while cleaning dishes. The reason you were working at all was because your parents treated you like a servant and worse. At that time he had just been hired to serve in your house. Since the very first day he came he always helped you with all of your chores. It was very helpful considering your parents gave you more work then any of the actual servants. As a kid whenever you were scolded or hit, which always caused to be a sobbing mess, he had always been the one to comfort you. Even now, he was your moral support.

You weren't certain why your parents treated you the way they did. The closest thing to the truth you had were rumors. You learned from rumors spread amongst the maids that your father had blamed you for your birthmother's death since she died giving birth to you. Your stepmother treated you horribly simply because you weren't her child. It was believable, your stepmother always treated her daughter, Mei, like she was the center of the universe while she treated you like the ground beneath her feet. However, these were all rumors and you didn't know how much of them were actually true.

After that little reminiscence, you left the comfort of shade and went straight back to your house to help with work before people started to wonder where you were. You still needed to clean the whole entire kitchen by yourself!

When you arrived in the kitchen it was very quiet. Normally people were rushing through here, but ever so rarely there were quiet days. Enjoying the tranquil atmosphere, you gathered all the dirty dishes into one place, then went to fill a bucket with water so you could wash them. When you came back you started scrubbing all of the many dishes. Plenty of water spilt on the floor but you would just use that to scrub the floor later. As you worked you subconsciously started humming a song that had been stuck in your head all day. You couldn't remember where you heard the song or the words for it. You just hummed to it a lot.

"You really like to hum, don't you (Name)?" You felt a hand patting your head. You didn't look at the person behind you, you knew your face was bright red.

"Y-Yosuke, what are you doing here?"

"I thought I would help you out with your work, considering I'm already finished with mine."

"Y-yeah... Um thanks."

"So, did you ever remember the words to that song?"

It took you a while to register what he said. You were just really flustered and couldn't think straight. "Ah, um no. But I did make some up."

"Really? You should let me hear it!" He said enthusiastically. Even though you couldn't see him you imagined him having that big smile on his face.

"A-alright, um..." You started to mumble out the lyrics picking up where you had been humming, but there was no way you were going to actually sing them. Your face was already red enough! "Nobody shouts or talks too loud, not in my castle on a cloud. There is a lady all in white, holds me and sings a lullaby. She's nice to see and she's soft to touch. She says-"

"(Name), I love you very much." Yosuke wrapped his arms around your waist as his whispered it out. You felt your face grow even hotter then it had been before. You turned around and your nose almost touched his.

"Really?" This time it was his turn to blush and he couldn't keep eye contact with you. It was so adorable!

"Really." He replied

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