Assassin Found

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After the incident you ended up going to the athenaeum again upon it crossing your mind that you had seen more records of that particular assassination stored there. However, when you came to the shelf where those records had been the night before, you were surprised to find that they were no longer there. Actually, the entire shelf was completely empty. You looked around nearby shelves hoping to find more on the assassination, but there were none around. Something was definitely not right. There was no way all the records on this one topic could just disappear from not only your room, but the library too. You didn't know what to think of it, or who to blame. Well, that was until Koumei walked into the room. Seeing him you were reminded that he had been looking at these records just last night. He had to be connected somehow.

Koumei walked over to you then looked over to the empty shelf, before sighing. "(Name), did you take all of the scrolls that were here?"

Koumei seemed clueless on why the scrolls were missing and you felt your suspicions diminish. To reply to Koumei's question you simply shook your head. Then, as he began to walk away you took the chance to hopefully get him to stop ignoring you. "Wait Koumei!"

He turned around with irritableness visible on his face. Yep, he was still being cold to you.

"Um, I-I mean Prince Koumei... You know I was supposed to start working here, but I still don't know what I'm supposed to do. So, could you show me what it is I can do?" This seemed to be working out, he wasn't completely ignoring you and you needed him to give you a job to do anyway. You had no idea how anything worked in the palace.

He beckoned you over to where he was. "I have a war council I was supposed to attend, but I'm presently occupied with other matters. You can go for me."

"A war council? Aren't those really important? There's no way I could take your, no, the second prince's place at a war council!"

"Ah, that's right..." He seemed to realize the craziness of you taking the place of someone who was in charge of the war council and had the final decision in everything. "How about this? I have a bunch of paperwork you can do. As in organizing and making sure they get to their right departments. Tomorrow I'll have you work as a researcher or historian, maybe?"

"Alright." How could he hire you and give you a place to live in the palace without even having a job for you to do. He seemed to be making you do whatever came to mind.

"I should have all my current work completely by the time you finish your tasks."

"O-Okay." You were a little curious what Koumei could possibly be working on that wasn't paperwork or attending a war council. He might be researching something. However, you had to remember your status. It could be considered rude and inappropriate to ask the second prince about his affairs.

"Ah wait, please wait." You called out as you noticed the prince had already begun to walk away. "I still need you to show me what I need to do. You haven't given me enough information. Where do I go, where's the paperwork?"

"Oh... follow me then." You did what he said as he showed you to a room that seemed to be someone's study.

"Here, just organize those papers and send them to the departments they belong. If you need something come and find me."

"Won't you be here? This is your study, right?"

"Yes, but I don't really like it here, so I'll be working in my room like I normally do." Before you could respond he was already gone. He seemed to be incredibly gloomy every time you saw him, maybe his life was really boring or something.

Anyway, you turned your attention to the pile of unorganized papers. All over a desk were piles and piles of paper. You felt a bit overwhelmed when you saw that none of them were organized in the slightest. It was like Koumei filled out one paper then set it on the table and left, then worked on another paper that had nothing to do with the first and set it on top of the first paper when he came back, then did that over and over.

Yandere Koumei Ren x Reader (Magi)Where stories live. Discover now