It Was All Your Fault

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Your mind was blank as the only thing you could feel was a nausea in your stomach. You kept your eyes closed and let yourself wake up. As your mind started to clear up completely all of the memories of what had happened sent your eyes flying open. You didn't have time to be waking up and laying in bed until you felt like getting up. Yosuke needed you. Hopefully his execution hadn't passed yet.

You tried to get up, but found your body incapable of movement, as if paralyzed. Even your mouth couldn't move to call out for help. The only thing you noticed you could do was blink and move your eyes, which wasn't very helpful to your current situation.

You glanced around yourself to still recognize your room. Even though you couldn't move you also noticed rope tying you to the bed you were in. At the loss of control over your body or anything you began to panic. Even though you couldn't scream or move any part of your body, your breathing began to speed up and your teeth started to chatter. Your eyes darted in every direction as you began to feel very unsafe. In the position you were in, anything could hurt you.

Just as your panic peaked the door creaked open. Hopefully a person was coming in to help you and you began to calm down slightly. However, your second of hope was immediately replaced with more panic as you realized Koumei was the one who had entered the room. You went right back into your state of hysteria as he hurried over to you and started to try to calm you down. He stroked your arm which surprisingly felt very calming. A look of sadness filled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, (Name). But I had to do this, otherwise you might try to kill yourself again." You didn't care about his apologies and tried to express your need for information about Yosuke. He didn't seem to understand the worry in your eyes and must have noticed the fear in them instead. He sighed, "it's okay, I won't hurt you."

You tried as hard as you could to move you mouth to speak, but your lips only gave a little tremble. Koumei noticed your need to say something and once again began to reassure you. "Don't worry, you should be able to talk in just a few minutes. All the effects will wear off in about an hour. The ropes were just a precaution."

(Lime-ish-ish-ish-ish Warning)

He continued to try and keep you calm while still holding his fan in one of his hands as the other one rubbed your tense muscles, although his hand did seem to get too close to where you didn't want them to be. Every time they did you felt the urge to shrink away, but your body was unable to move. In the position your were in Koumei could do whatever he wanted to you and you would be completely unable to resist. His hand eventually moved and began to massage your chest as you felt your whole body tighten. To your surprise, you opened your mouth. "...stop..." You heard the word come out just barely audible. He paused for just a moment as he glanced at your face then he ran his hand down your stomach and pulled your skirt up. He began to glide his hand along your inner thigh pretending not to have heard you.

You never thought Koumei would be so bold with his actions as to start feeling you while you couldn't move. His fingers began to glide up your thigh as he actually set down his fan on the bed and let his other hand rub one of your breast. Once again you tried to move your body away, but the paralysis kept you in place. You managed to call out, louder this time, "Koumei, stop."

(Lime-ish-ish-ish-ish End)

His hands lingered in place before he pulled them away from you. You felt the butterflies in your stomach began to fly away as you calmed yourself down. You didn't have time to waste, you needed to ask about Yosuke. "Koumei, how long was I asleep after you covered my mouth."

"Barely fifteen seconds."

"Then, how did you tie me up so fast?"

"Oh, I had the guards do that after I gave you some Gelidavita, which also caused your temporary paralysis."

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