You Can't Struggle

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The next three days spent in your room felt dizzying and hard to remember. The ropes had been removed, probably because you had hurt yourself with them before. But you still spent all your time nearly paralyzed to your bed. The room was always filled with the burning incense of the Galidavita which caused you to lose control of your body and kept your mind in a drowsy state. You always struggled against Koumei's control, trying to always keep hold of your mind. Unlike when you had consumed the Galidavita, if you breathed it in it didn't completely paralyze you. You could just slightly move your limbs and had a lot more control over your head. If you weren't completely drowsy, you could talk.

Since Yosuke's death you hadn't been able to eat anything, partially because you were too depressed to eat, but mainly you wanted to die and you planned to. Every meal which was brought to you was left to get cold in the hands of the maid before it was taken away again.

The maid never spoke much and you didn't mind her company because of it. She never bothered with trying to convince you to eat and based on the fact Koumei hadn't ever come to see why you weren't eating, she probably never told him. You seemed to feel friendly towards her and gathered a respect for her although not once had you spoken to her and neither had she to you. She just seemed familiar though.

Also, for the past few days you noticed that slowly you begun to be able to move a little more at a time. You had a strange feeling the maid had been lessening the amount of time the Galidavita incense burned. With your new found strength, you began to move your hand to the pocket where that suspicious paper had been placed. It took you only about five minutes to reach your pocket and grasp the paper, but you knew bringing it up to view would take a lot more time and strength. Just trying to lift your arm up would be next to impossible and there was always the chance Koumei would come into the room during that time and notice the paper. Still, you were so curious about the paper you managed to get enough determination to try and read it. After about an hour you had you arm rested on your chest, all that was left to do was lift your hand up and read it. Once you had the strength, you held your hand up to read to paper. As fast as you could your eyes ran across the words.

Greetings valued and trusted customer,
There is only one week left to try our limited edition dark chocolate mint brownies. We are waiting and trusting for your visit.
And remember, when you're craving only the best ours are better than the rest.
We understand liars can never be trusted, so be sure to try all of our products to be assured that we truly are the best.
Your trustable friends from The Crummy Cake Bakery, the most trustworthy people you'll ever meet.

After reading it through your hand crippled back onto you. Why in the world would someone come into your room and give you an advertisement, when you were obviously incapable of going anywhere? It was just too stupid and besides, the person who gave you the paper didn't seem like a complete idiot even though you couldn't see her face. She seemed more mysterious than dumb. There must be some sort of hidden message in the paper.

You picked the paper up again and looked through it in every way you could think of. Either you weren't smart enough to find a message or there wasn't one there or maybe you were thinking about this too much. You read through the paper again, but only one thing stood out each time. The word mint which had been one of Yosuke's favorite things along with dark chocolate. You had often times seen him sucking on those stupid mint leaves, he said he liked the refreshing flavor of them. He would probably have loved dark chocolate mint brownies, but who wouldn't? Remembering him sent a horrible nausea through your stomach. So far all this letter did was remind you of him.

The only other thing you noticed in this paper was how many times they had used the word trust. It wasn't unusual for advertisements to repeat things in order to implant things in the costumer's mind. However, why would they use the word trust, why not say how great their stuff was over and over again? Reading it brought you to to that one sentence, "We understand liars can never be trusted, so be sure to try all of our products to be assured that we truly are the best." That time rather than saying how trustworthy they or you are they mentioned that some people couldn't be trusted, specifically liars. It seemed kind of random to add in and stood out to you. But, if this was some sort of message to you could it be some kind of warning, telling you not to trust liars? If they wanted to tell you that, it must mean that someone has been lying to you. The only person you had really been around in the palace was Koumei, so was he lying to you?

You stopped thinking about a hidden message for a second. Instead your mind went to who would be sending you a secret message. It's not like you were a part of some secret group. Maybe this was just some advertisement that you were overthinking. Before you could think about it anymore however someone walked in the room. You turned your head to the maid who entered the room bringing in a dinner she knew you wouldn't eat.

You let out a sigh of relief loud enough for her to hear. Then to your surprise the maid actually said something, "Are you alright, Lady (Name)." Her voice sounded so familiar as you tried to think of where you first heard it.

You nodded to her question and then decided to say something also, although it came out as barely a whisper. "Um... could you put this paper... back in my pocket..."

She nodded her head. "Yes, Lady (Name)." Then gently took the paper from your hand and placed it in your pocket while bringing your hand back to your side. The room was silent for a bit before she picked up a spoonful of soup and offered it to you. You didn't open your mouth and just shook your head which cause her to set the bowl down on a nearby table. Silence once again filled the room. She spoke once more which again surprised you since she hadn't been speaking at all before. "Lady (Name), I haven't told Prince Koumei about your refusal to eat, and trust me I don't plan to, but I think he is beggining to notice."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, and if you don't mind me saying so, I think it would be very wise to eat something. There may be some events that come in the future in which you'll need your strength for."

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I don't plan on living."

"I understand, but it might be your best option to live a little while longer. You shouldn't do something you'll regret."

Before the conversation could continue any longer Koumei barged in through the door. He walked over to the bed you were in and waved the maid away. She quickly left you and Koumei alone.

Koumei caressed your cheek. "(Name), why haven't you been eating?"

You ignored him and refused to make eye contact with him. He looked at you and sighed while rubbing the back of his head. "(Name), if you won't eat I will have to force you to eat. So what do you want to do, eat of your own free will or be forced to eat?"

You still ignored him, how was he going to force you to eat anyway? There was no possible way to threaten you. After all, you had already lost everything important to you.

He sighed a second time before reaching for the bowl the maid had left on a table. He lifted a spoonful for you, blew on it, and brought it to your mouth which you did not open. He closed his eyes and sighed a third time before bringing the spoon to his own mouth and letting the food go inside. He then leaned over and pressed lips against yours as he shoved the food inside. You tried to resist, but ended up swallowing.

As he got back up he subtly smirked before getting another spoonful and offering it to you. Instead of excepting it, you tightened your lips, trying to prepare yourself. He didn't seem to mind and once again put a spoonful in his mouth and shoved it inside yours. Over and over you tried to keep your mouth shut, but that Galidavita had caused even your lips and jaw to be considerably weak all the while you still felt very drowsy, so it wasn't hard for Koumei to pry your lips open with his tongue. As the bowl began to slowly empty you felt yourself grow sad once again and tears began to spill over. When the bowl was empty, Koumei gave you one more kiss before pulling away.

"I guess until you start to eat each meal by yourself I'll have to feed you. Sorry, (Name), but you won't be dying anytime soon." Instead of leaving like he normally would he lifted you up into his arms. "And because I don't want to have to come here for each of your meals, you'll have to come with me."

No matter how hard you wanted to struggle from his arms as he carried you out of your room, you couldn't, you couldn't even move your body.


A/N: Well, I'm not sure exactly how many more chapters there will be until the end of this story, maybe five... Or less or more. But I guess, I'll start this early. If anyone wants to make a request for my next story you can do that now. I won't do any sequels for either of my stories quite yet, but maybe after the next story I write I will do a sequel for you gals.

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