I'll Always Be With You

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You spent a few nights in the dirty cell, but you didn't care. Knowing that Yosuke also had to sleep on the cold stone floor encouraged you to do the same, at least you had your skin. Actually you were beginning to love the floor. Sure it was uncomfortable and at first it was hard to sleep on, but you lay in the same place Yosuke had. Cuddling up on the floor seemed to give you a warm feeling inside which often brought tears to your eyes.

This whole time you also didn't have to see Koumei. The knowledge that he had no clue where you were gave you quite a bit of comfort. You didn't have to worry about him dragging you away from the cell which seemed to connect you to Yosuke. In fact, you wouldn't have cared if you were left in that cell forever. But, you needed to remember your mission to assist in Koumei's death.

The poison had also become quite reassuring to you. Every thirty minutes or so, you found yourself reaching into your pocket to make sure it was there. Even the bars began to feel more like a way to keep Koumei out rather than to keep you in.

<< Koumei's POV >>

After a long war council, I came back to my room to check on (Name). She just laid in bed, murmuring things like rebellion and cake. I sighed, it seemed something was going on with her. She was oblivious to everything around her. She didn't even notice when I called her name or touched her. Sighing I had a doctor called over. Perhaps he could figure out what was happening to her.

<< Your POV >>

However, even though you thought you were hidden away from Koumei permanently, you were wrong. Hearing footsteps come down the spiral staircase drew your attention like it always did. Every time a guard ever came down you would ask about Mari. However this time as you looked over it wasn't just the guards that came down. No, this time Koumei was with them. Before he looked over at you, you turned to face the wall as you pulled the hood of the cloak over your head. As you heard the footsteps approach you reached into your pocket and took hold of the little pouch inside. You pulled it out and opened it as you heard the opening of the cell door behind you. However, before you could even lift the bag up to pour the contents into your mouth someone grabbed your other arm. You shoved the poison back into your pocket as you were whirled around to face Koumei. His face seemed relieved as he hugged onto you tight. You struggled to get out of his arms when suddenly your feet came out from under you. Koumei carried you out of the cell while you still tried to fight against him. No matter how hard you tried to get away from him you were unable to do anything.

Eventually he came to a room and opened a familiar door. He entered his room and tossed you on his bed. You struggled to get up but he pinned you down. "(Name)..." He nearly moaned out as he pressed his lips to yours. After separating he held you close to his chest. "I won't ever let you go again."

You pushed against his chest while trying everso hard to get away. He didn't loosen his grip at all though. The only thing he did was hold you. Then he slowly began to pull away from you. With one hand on your back and the other on the back of your head he looked into you eyes before kissing you again.

He gently lowered you down onto the bed while you tried to kick him off of you. Sighing, he walked over to the incense and began to light it. Realizing what he was about to do, you shoved your hand into your pocket and grabbed the poison. You were not going to let him paralyze you and mess with your body while you'd be unable to do anything. Besides if you breathed that incense in, it meant everything was over for you and you would have to submit to Koumei forever.

You poured the powder into your hand and lifted it up to your mouth. The powder felt like it was drying your tongue as you tried to swallow down as much as you could. As you began to fall limp Koumei caught you in his arms. Using the last bit of strength you had you grasped onto his fan which he always held and threw it as far as you could.

As if you had planned something like this, you called out to Mari, Satoshi, and Miss Alima in hopes they were nearby when in reality you knew they weren't. However, the door swung open. Someone came in hurriedly and stabbed Koumei, leaving you to topple back over onto the bed.

Glancing up at the person holding you you croaked out, "Is Koumei dead?"

"Yes," was the reply you sighed out in relief as you tried to focus on the person holding you. The person was definitely familiar and this time it was a familiarity you were able to grasp right away.

"Yosuke?" You reached up to feel his face.

"It's me." You felt tears of joy trickle down your cheeks.

"I knew you couldn't have been dead." You giggled as the world faded forever around you. However instead of fading to darkness everything around you changed. Yosuke was no longer there and Koumei instead stood worriedly next to you along with a few other people although you could't make out anything they were saying.

You looked at them all mindlessly as you felt your lips move, although you couldn't hear what you were saying. However, the word that kept repeating itself in your head was Yosuke. All you could think about was that he was alive, but where was he?

Then, one of the people bent over you. "Hello, (Name)."

You didn't respond, it felt hard to pay attention to anything that was said. Then a word stood out, Infitada and talking during sleep.

"(Name), listen okay? Can you tell us about the Infitada?" With your mind blank the words came out as you explained what happened.

"Now, (Name). Listen, the Infitada and all those people are't real. They are just part of your imagination, okay?"

"Th-they are real."

"They aren't real. They are just want you want to be real, so you've convinced yourself that they are."

"N-no. You're wrong. Yosuke is real. He is alive and killed Koumei."

"Yes, Yosuke is a real person, but he is not alive and he did not kill prince Koumei, see? Prince Koumei is right here." You looked over at the prince who said something which sent the lady and everyone else in the room away.

"(Name), she's right. I'm still alive and I will always take care of you, even if you are mentally ill." He smiled at you. "I'll always be with you."

~The End~


A/N: Okay, short chapter and I don't know if that was a good ending, oh well. Was anyone expecting it? You do realize that this means everything around you isn't real and that it's all a hallucination? Right now you're really under the care of Koumei... Hahahahahahahahaha!

Anyway, my Judal story and MYSTRAS story (the one you've all been anxiously waiting since Mystras is sooo popular) will be out later today (probably), either today or Wednesday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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