Weak Evidence

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Without holding back, the guards threw you out of the prison building and gave you a harsh warning against trying anything like that again, although you didn't hear most of it. The whole time you were a bit shaken by what you thought you had seen in the prison a few seconds before. But, there was no way Yosuke was crying, right? Never before, in all the time you had known Yosuke, had you ever seen him cry. He was always happily smiling and cheering you up when you cried.

Thinking about it, you felt even more angry then you had before. You were completely pissed at Koumei, he was trying to kill Yosuke, he made Yosuke cry! You were going to do something about this. You couldn't just let this happen.

With your mind made on what to do you stormed off to Koumei's room. When you reached the door you calmed yourself on the outside and quietly placed a hand on the it. Then, you pressed your ear against the door hoping to hear if maybe Koumei was inside. The silence you heard only slightly reassured you, Koumei was, after all, a fairly quite person and you doubted he would make a bunch of noise when he was alone in his room.

Slowly and very quietly you opened the door to a small crack, then peaked inside. Koumei wasn't anywhere you could see, so you pushed the door open a little bit more to get a better view. When you could see the whole room and still didn't see Koumei you proceeded to enter. Cautiously you tiptoed across the floor, your eyes darting to every corner and open space they could see in hopes to find what you came for, those records.

When your had a good view of the whole room you immediately went to what you thought was the most likely place they would be, Koumei's desk. Upon glancing over the table, which only had a few papers and scrolls on top, you angrily sighed at how straight he kept his room compared to his actually office.

You spent a little time reminiscing all the organization work you slaved over earlier that day as you looked through each of the scrolls which sat on his clean desk. Unfortunately none of them were the ones you were looking for. Once you had thoroughly searched his desk you began your hunt in the shelves. Still you couldn't find anything in there either. You started to search anything and everything you could think of. By the time you were done you still had not found those scrolls!

Deciding to give up on looking in Koumei's room for the scrolls, you instead headed for the door. However, as your hand reached for the handle, it suddenly began to open. Your heart raced and the only thing you could think to do was jump behind the opening door.

To your relief it was just a maid who entered with some cleaning supplies. She didn't notice you behind the door and started working while facing the opposite direction of you. You came out from behind the door as silently as you could, then you slipped through the door frame. As you were walking through the door you looked back at the maid to make sure she didn't see you. Then, you felt yourself bump into something in front of you. The abrupt stop made you jump as you quickly turned your head to see what you had run into. The only thing you were able to see though was someone's clothed chest however once you looked up you saw the face of Koumei looking down at you.

You shoved yourself out of his chest all the while trying to think of an excuse for entering his room. The dull lighting of the room seemed to cast a shadow across his face and he finally spoke. "I hope you can control yourself from snooping around and breaking into other people's rooms, otherwise I might have to lock you in your own."

His cold tone sent chills down you spine. Even though it was just a warning it terrified you. Hoping to get away, you complied. "Yes, Prince Koumei."

He walked past you without saying anything else and you ran off your own way. If he thought you were going to quit searching for those scrolls, he was sorely wrong. There was no way you were going to give up from just a little warning. In fact, at that moment you felt like even if he locked you in your room you wouldn't give up. Although you needed to be careful about him finding you again. Being stuck in your room would definitely effect how fast you could help Yosuke.

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