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She sighed in boredom as she took a sip of her drink, looking around the nightclub as she held back another sigh.

Stella knew she should have stayed home that night. Everyone seemed to be having so much fun, and she didn't want to ruin everything but she felt so alone...

Her eyes went back to the bar, where her boyfriend stood, leant on one of the stools as he spoke to the blonde girl that was, in some way, responsible for her bitterness.

Ivar had been distant for weeks. He was having some rough therapy sessions, so stella supposed that was the reason why he was acting so weird. He barely called her, and didn't answer her texts -this was normal, Ivar hated texting, but usually when she texted him he called her to talk-, she had stayed at his house a couple of nights, but he didn't even touch her. So different from the long nights full of sex, cuddles and making out sessions she had barely two months ago.

But now she kind of imagined why.

Everything had changed when the blonde girl had moved to the apartment next to Ivar and Hvitserk.

Stella remembered how she had came to their apartment as she were having breakfast; with her perfect smile and a soft voice, asking if they had sugar; she just moved the day before and didn't have time to go to the grocery store just yet.

Her eyes had lingered on Ivar for too long, but stella didn't really give that much importance; she were used to people staring at him. Even if he didn't realize it, Ivar was amazingly handsome; which was the main reason people stared at him, and not his legs.

What worried stella was the look Ivar gave freydis. He widened his eyes and cleared his throat before introducing himself. That day had a huge fight.

Since then, Ivar had invited her everywhere, even in those nights out with his brothers ; and even if stella didn't want to be jealous, knowing Ivar could have as many friends as he wanted and he was probably trying to make her feel more comfortable as she just moved in and didn't know anyone.

But whenever she was close... He changed too much.

"Hey" Hvitserk sitting next to stella interrupted her thoughts "Are you okay?"

She sighed again but smiled at him and nodded.

"Just a bit tired" she shrugged "I'm going home, I think"

"Now?" Hvitserk frowned "It's too late, why don't you wait and come with us? You shouldn't walk alone at this hour"

"Yeah but..." she looked at them again. Hvitserk followed her gaze and rolled his eyes at his brother "It's a bit boring, right?"

"I don't like her either" he muttered "She seems... Too nice. But only with Ivar; she barely pays attention to anyone else"

"I mean, we don't know her, she might be the sweetest person in the world" she shook her head "It's Ivar who I'm worried about"

Hvitserk frowned again.

"Hey, don't worry about him, okay? Ivar would never do that"

"Yeah..." stella cleared her throat, looking away from them "I hope so"

"He's not stupid enough to ruin a four year relationship for a girl he just met" he shrugged "Trust me"

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