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Stella actually liked to go shopping. She enjoyed walking around the shops and looking at beautiful clothes and shoes.

"Aren't you gonna try that on, stella?"

Torvi's voice startled her. She just got out of one of the fitting rooms, wearing a beautiful silver dress that made her look even better than the model. Stella widened her eyes.

She glanced at the clothes they made her pick. Party clothes; tight dresses, short skirts, low cut crop tops... "I'm more of a comfy sweatpants and oversized hoodies girl" she raised an eyebrow.

Torvi chuckled, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"Come on, Stella, I want to see how you look on them!"

She looked at herself on the mirror, frowning softly. Stella looked at the pile of clothes on the wooden table.

"Okay, I think this is the one" Torvi shrugged happily "What do you think?" She turned around and stella smiled softly.

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you" her smile widened "You're the sweetest, stella"

"Are you girls done?" Lagertha's voice startled her

"Nearly" Torvi winked at her "What do you think about this dress? Stella likes it"

"I think you look perfect on it" Lagertha smiled at her ex daughter in law. Stella was still amazed with the narrative of that family, but it wasn't her place to judge "What about you, stella? Did you try anything?"

She opened her mouth to speak, but Torvi interrupted her.

"She didn't, I keep telling her she should, but she won't listen" she raised an eyebrow

she groan, rubbing her face.

"Come on, we're not leaving until you try something on" Lagertha chuckled.

Sighing, she grabbed the clothes, rolling her eyes as she entered the fitting room, making Torvi and Lagertha smirk in victory.


"So... We could go out" Torvi looked excited as stella stared at her lunch. She had nothing against modern, expensive restaurant but she wasn't sure if it was legal that they asked that amount of money for that.

"We're already out, Torvi" Gunhild chuckled. Out of all of them, she was the one she could relate to the most, she was the most calm, the quiet, but also as fierce as Lagertha if not more.

"I know" Torvi rolled her eyes "But maybe we should go out to a nightclub, you know, I haven't been out in forever and I want to, this whole 'plan the perfect wedding' thing is stressing me out"

"You don't need to plan the perfect wedding, every wedding is perfect when you're in love" Lagertha raised her cup of champagne softly, and stella chewed at her food slowly.

"I know, I know, I just... Ubbe is the one, you know?"

"We know, Torvi" Gunhild smiled widely at her "But you see... My own wedding with Björn was quite rushed, and still... Magical" she blushed softly, looking down.

Stella smiled, remembering her wedding. She had attended with Ivar, who wasn't too excited to go to his half-brother's wedding and was nearly obligated by his family. The two of them left very early, but not before having sex on the limousine Björn had rented.

"I know you will have the same thing with Ubbe, I can see it" Lagertha caressed Torvi's hand over the table.

"Okay stop getting emotional, I know what you're doing" she narrowed her eyes at them "Can we go out, please?"

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