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Stella rushed to the door and left the building, only breathing again when she was out in the garden. It was a pretty entrance, with cobblestones, a lovely fountain and some flowers. At least it was peaceful and quiet. Or she thought it was, because she heard a metal noise and a groan, which made her jump and gasp before she looked to the side.

It was already dark, and the only source of light were the lovely streetlights adorned with ivy. It came from one of the benches at the side of the entrance, and stella nearly cried when she saw the source of the noise.

"Ivar?" She sighed, drying her tears with her fingers "What are you doing here?"
He raised his head and glared at her with his jaw clenched, he had been focused on his braces and didn't even hear her approaching.

When he didn't reply, she frowned and walked towards him, walking slowly to avoid falling down with the damned heels.

"Where's Freydis?" Stella asked softly, understanding something was wrong.

"She left" his voice sounded dry and empty, almost as if he had been crying.


"Because I told her to leave" he pouted. Ivar had the tendency to pout, and he hated when stella said he looked cute doing it, probably thinking he looked intimidating.

She sat down on the bench, and decided not to ask because he didn't seem too inclined to talk about it.

"What's wrong with the braces?" She asked slowly.

"I don't know" he groaned, grabbing his right leg "I think I moved it and..." his lip started trembling when he started fiddling with it again.

"Stop" she tried to grab his hand, but he ignored her "Ivar, stop, you're going to hurt yourself"

"Why do you care?" he raised his voice, making her scoff "Why don't you go back there with Alfred?"

"Don't yell" she glared at him "After everything you've done, you don't get to yell at me"

He took a deep breath, rubbing his eyes with his hands and shaking his head.
"I want to go home" he sighed "I can't go back there"

"Hey, what happened?" She was starting to get worried, because that wasn't like Ivar "Should I call your brothers? Your mother?"

"No" he shrugged "They will just rant about how stupid I am for letting you go"

Stella looked away again.

"You did hurt me" she muttered "A lot"
Ivar didn't look at her either.

"That's the worst part" he scoffed "That they're right"

This time she did look at him, surprised and with her lips parted. For a moment, she felt the need to hug and kiss him, but she couldn't.

"If you know they're right why did you do it? And I don't mean breaking up with me, I mean being so cruel, treating me like I was nothing to you"

"I don't know, ella" he sighed tiredly "I was angry, you moved on"

"I didn't move on!" She scoffed "Dear God, Ivar, I couldn't move on, I spent the worst months of my life trying to but I couldn't, you're such an asshole" she groaned

Ivar's eyes were full of anger when he raised his head again.

"I don't feel like talking about that now"

Stella was about to keep ranting when she looked at his eyes for the first time, and gasped when she saw how blue they were.

"Did you take your medicines today?" She frowned when he shook his head "Why? Oh God" she groaned "Should we go to the hospital?"

MOVE ON | IVAR THE BONELESS X OC |Where stories live. Discover now