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Stella had thought about her wedding day, like every single person on Earth.

She imagined it being outside, maybe near the sea, or in the forest, maybe the gardens of a beautiful palace.

But for some reason, she never imagined the groom's face. It was always about her, the place and the music, the dress, the flowers, the cake... Until she met Ivar.

Getting married wasn't something she wished to do soon, it could wait. It was more a future plan than a wish, because in some way getting married and having a child was something that scared her.

Ivar managed to make her change her mind, suddenly she wasn't that scared of having kids or the commitment that implies a wedding. It would be fine as long as he was the one waiting for her at the end of the aisle and the one holding her baby. It would be fine as long as it was him there with her.

Weddings were a celebration of love.

At least that was what everyone said, two people that loved each other enough to try and make it last forever. Maybe they gave too much importance to the wedding itself and forgot the love part.

Or maybe she was so bitter about anything romantic or related to love that she stopped thinking about them as a love gesture and started seeing it as a contract.

Stella hadn't heard about Ivar again. Not since that day that ended so badly. Hvitserk said he was still with Freydis, and soon he just stopped talking about him at all. Maybe hoping she'd get over him faster if he didn't mention him. But it wasn't really working.

At least she wasn't thinking about him all the time. Now it was more like a sad grimace whenever she thought about it. Especially when there was something that reminded her of him.

But the problem of being so close to someone, shaping her entire life around him and sharing everything together was that there wasn't really anything that didn't remind her of him.

Alfred, Thora and Hvitserk had organized to be around her all the time. Distracting her, forcing her to go out and Hvitserk even let her do his makeup once.

Sometimes it was annoying, but she couldn't be mad at them, they were just trying to make her feel better.

She tried to convince Thora and Hvitserk to go to the wedding together, but she didn't want to go to said wedding. As she promised Alfred she'd go with him, he'd be the one picking her up, and she'd see Hvitserk in there.

Of course, Ubbe and Torvi chose a beautiful forest near their own home to celebrate the wedding. She felt like an intruder, as she wasn't even part of the family anymore.

The dress Hvitserk chose looked better on her at home as it had looked on the changing rooms, and it made her wear it with confidence. She even practiced walking with the new heels she had bought, and at that point she just wished she wouldn't fall in front of everyone.

Stella chose a very natural makeup, and a simple hairstyle that was within her humble means. She didn't want to draw attention and wished that the guests wouldn't recognize her. The last thing she needed was people talking about her and Ivar.

Traditions were traditions, nonetheless, and she wore red underwear to try and feel a bit sexier. Even if she had tried to get rid of the red dresses and underwear she wore to catch Ivar's attention, that red set in particular was too precious for her. It was the first one he bought her, and she still remembered the first night she wore it.

And, why am I thinking about Ivar now?
She sighed and looked at her own reflect on the mirror. She was ready, just needed to put those deadly traps on her feet and grab her purse. Alfred had called and he was on his way.

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