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For a moment, Ivar's face softened enough for stella to let her guard down. He sighed and sat on her bed, running his hand through his hair.

"You were with Freydis two days ago, right?"

She tensed up. Was it what she thought it was?

"Yes, we went to a club together... Well, not together, on the same group..."

"And..." he bit his lip "Ella, did you see her kissing someone?"

Stella sighed, sitting down next to him. She might wanted to hit him, yell at him and kick him out of her flat, but at the same time she didn't want him hurt. She didn't want him feeling what she was feeling.

"Who told you?"

"Hvitserk" he shrugged "It's true or not?"

"Yes, Ivar" she said softly. Her hand touched his shoulder hesitantly, trying to give him some type of comfort without making him feel uncomfortable.

Ivar wasn't one that liked physical contact with someone that wasn't his partner "I went to the bathroom because I didn't feel well" she muttered "And when I got out I saw her leaving the club with a guy, and they kissed"

He nodded slowly. For a moment she thought he'd cry.

"I'm sorry, I would have told you sooner but I..."

"I don't believe you" he moved abruptly to push her hand away, and turned to glare at her with his jaw clenched "I think you're making this up"

She raised an eyebrow. The urge of slapping him came back stronger than ever.


he narrowed his eyes "I think you're lying"

She gasped, shaking her head and rubbing her eyes.

"Why would I lie to you, Ivar?"

"Because you are in love with me" he stared at her with a serious face. He actually believed it "You want me to leave Freydis and go back to you"

Stella stood up, glaring at him and biting her tongue to hold herself back from yelling a string of insults at him.

"When have I ever lied to you?" She nearly trembled in rage.

"I don't know, Ella" he glared back at her "You tell me"

"Never" she spat "Never in my entire life I lied to you Ivar, and yes, I might be in love with you, I will always love you, and that's exactly why I would never even imagine to make up something like this to hurt you"

the tears threatened to fall down her cheek but she refused to let them, he didn't deserve those tears "I would never hurt you in purpose, I'm not like you"

He clenched his jaw again and looked away.

"I'm tired of you treating me like shit, I don't deserve it" she shook her head "And I'm not letting you come to my house to call me a liar, Ivar"

He rolled his eyes with an annoyed expression. She wondered why he even bothered to come and ask her if he didn't believe it.

"I love Freydis, Ella"

"I know" she shrugged, her heart broke a bit more if it was even possible, but she managed to hide it.

"And she loves me" he insisted "And she makes me feel special, and she made me realize that I am special" he shrugged "She wouldn't lie to me"

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