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"You look beautiful"

Stella had nearly forgotten how it felt to hear that. Her lips curved on a wide smile and she felt her cheeks redden.

"Thank you" she smiled at him bitting her lip

Alfred smiled back at her.

"Well, thank me, she wanted to stay at home on her pajamas eating ice cream" Thora giggled, leaning onto the door next to her. She glared at her as Alfred laughed.

"I understand, that looks like a perfect plan" he nodded "I just thought you'd like to go out for a bit..."

"Yeah, don't listen to her" stella rolled her eyes with an apologetic smile "Wait, I'll just grab my purse and we can leave"

Alfred nodded, entering her living room as she rushed to her bedroom, with Thora after her. She closed the door and turned around to look at her with a wide smile.

"He's cute"

"Yeah, Alfred is really sweet" she smiled softly "He's helped me a lot"

"And he totally likes you"

Stella widened her eyes, looking at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Thora, we're friends"

"Oh my god, Ella, wake up" she groaned "He just called you beautiful"

"He was being nice" she shrugged, gathering her things "Alfred is literally the sweetest person in the world, and that doesn't mean he likes me"

"Sure" she sighed.

"Okay, I'm ready... How do I look?"

"Perfect" she smiled "I love seeing you like this again" she approached stella to fix her hair softly "You deserve it"

Stella smiled hugging her softly.

"Thank you" she muttered "For making me get out of bed and dress up, it feels good" she bit her lip, excited "By the way, Hvitserk won't stop asking for your number... His is on my notebook next to the laptop, on the living room... See you" she giggled as she stepped out of the bedroom. She could swear she saw Thora blush.


"I've never been to a brunch" she frowned a bit, looking at the huge hotel in front of her and regretting her outfit. Alfred chuckled next to her.

"You look perfect don't worry" he caressed her arm softly "I'm not a huge fan of brunches myself... If you don't like the food, I'll invite you to dinner"

She giggled, following him into the hotel. Alfred greeted a man, who eyed her up and down with his eyebrow raised before smiling widely and opening a door that lead to the biggest dining hall she had ever seen. It wasn't too crowded, but it had lots of tables full of food. She immediately thought of Hvitserk and smiled softly.

The table was full of people. When Alfred called stella the day before to invite her to a brunch that Ubbe and Torvi had organized, her first instinct was to say no. She didn't feel like socializing, she didn't want to sit on a table with those that had been her family-in-law just a few weeks before. But then again she wanted to spend some time with Alfred, and he had been listening to her rants and holding her when she cried for weeks, he deserved it.

Ubbe and Torvi looked happy to see stella, especially Torvi, who let out a small scream and got up from her chair to hug her tightly. She hugged her back, feeling a bit out of place. Ubbe hugged her too, with one of those big brother hugs that she had missed so much.

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