Chapter 8: The Quest Beggins

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                Walking into Joseph's place I look around for him. Marry was behind the counter and was cooking something again. And whatever it was it smelled good. But I ignored it, for now, and walk deeper into the house searching for him. Compared to the early morning, the small shop was empty. I walk up to the counter.

               "Marry?" She jumps and turns around. "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you."

               "It's ok. What can I help with?" She says after a second.

               "Do you know where I can find Joseph? I need to talk to him." I say.

               She studies me for a moment "He is upstairs, on third floor, in his office."

               "Thank you Marry." I say as I walk to the stairs. I walk up the stairs and stop at the door of my room. Opening the door and peeking inside I look around trying to find something like my cape and/or other blade. I sigh when I don't find anything and start going up the stairs to the third floor. On the top I saw two doors, one opened and the other one closed. I walk up to the opened door and stick my head it. It was empty, and dark, but not abandoned, and I could tell it was their room because it smelled like cooked potatoes, and the smell wasn't fresh, it was stale and very light. I turn around to the closed door and try to knock. The moment my hand comes in contact with the door it creaks open. Joseph was sitting at a desk writing something, but when I take a step in he turns around and notices me.

               "Oh, hello. You need something?" He says as he gets up.

               "Hi Joseph. Do you know where my clothes and my weapons are? The assassins clothes?" I ask.

               He looks at me with a painful look "I hoped you would forget that life. But I guess, it's in your blood." He turns around and opens a closet. I see my cloak and leather pads. On the floor were my weapons. He steps aside "Here is everything we found you with." He turns and walks out the door.

               I quickly check my cloak, and disappointed take a step back. "It's gone..." I take a long breath. "Must have fallen out when I fell off. And now... It's gone." I say as I change into my clothing. The feel of my cloak and leather armor made me feel good, it all was perfect, perfect weight, perfect length. I put my weapons on: the second hidden blade, the daggers,the leather straps, and the sword. Than I see the bow, and kneel down to pick it up. The last item from the camp. I sling it onto my back and put the quiver over my back as well, clipping it on to the leather back strap. I felt Oscars presence in the room and it made me guilty. He had so much hope in me, but I failed him.

               I push that thought aside and walk out of the room and walk back down. As I walk down the last set of stairs, I pull my hood over my head and flick out and in my hidden blades. As I get to the bottom, I walk out into the dining room and see two red guards pushing Joseph and Marry against a wall with their guns. Two more walk in and walk to the counter and start to search for money, not noticing me at all.

               "Release them" I say as I walk towards the red guards.

               The one with two gold lines and a gold V on his shoulder laughs and the other three join in. He stops laughing when I am three meters away and takes his gun of his shoulder and picks it up aiming at me "Stop right there and I won't shoot."

               I take another step and right at the gun fires I duck drawing my sword and stabbing the guard in the gut. I pull my blade out and kick him at the two holding Joseph and Marry. The other guys who was searching for money attacks me drawing his knife. I put the sword back in the sheath and dread my dagger, quickly bringing it up to block the blade of the guard and grabbing his throat throwing him over the other two guards who have their guns out, and flies out the window into the street. The two other guards raise their guns and shoot with out aiming. I roll out of the way and throw a chair at one of them, and right after that, my knife at him, hitting him in the head. The last guard starts to back up but before he can turn around I reach him and gut him with the blades twice killing him.

               I look at Joseph and Marry "Go upstairs. Fast." They run with out any questions and I walk over taking my knife out of the guard and running out of the show. I look right and see several guards running my way, and look the other way and see four more coming. I run towards the four more, jumping up against the wall, pushing off to the other side and grabbing on to a window. I pull my self up and jump to the other building grabbing the roof. As I try to pull my self up one of the plants comes loose and breaks off falling down, almost bringing me with it. I grab the farther plant and pull my self up on to it and run to the top of the roof. The sun was right above my head and the summer day was hot.

               I look around for higher ground and see the church. It was the tallest building of all so it was hard to miss. I run towards it jumping from roof to roof. I look down and see the red guards running in the streets underneath of me. Looking up I see the church two roofs ahead of me.

I jump on to the last roof and as I land I hear "crack" as the roof caves in on me and I fall into the house with a loud thunk. Landing on soft hay I get up fast and watch as two guards break down the door and aim at me. I bolt towards the window and jump out right as they fire, the wall right behind be throws sand and mud everywhere from the bullet impact.

               I look back at the wall, then look forward at the church. I run in and slam the doors and blocking them with the candle stand, that was next to the door. The next moment I hear the guards smash into the door trying to open it.

               "So you changed your mind" I hear from behind

               "Yes. Let's do this." I say as I turn around.

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