Chapter 11: The Return Home

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                As we get closer to the forest I feel as if someone is watching me. I knew the exact building but saw no one there. The city was busy, just as I remember, but the building have been rebuilt, repainted, or other jobs. We kept walking, turning streets and corners, slowly coming towards the woods. Madrid was a little darker than Venice so finally I could fit in.

          We reach the woods and I stop, taking in a breath before stepping in and walking towards camp. The air was fresh, yet there was some tension in the air. That made me uneasy as well as the fact that the woods are suspiciously quiet, maybe even TOO quiet. I could still feel someone watching me. I look around and start to walk again.The walk continued as a casual walk for about 50 meters, until I found the Venice Creed arrows on the ground.

           "They got here before us. Stay quiet, and up in the trees." I say. Edward rolls his eyes and looks around. I jump up and pull my self up onto a tree. Edward turns back around. Not finding me on the ground he looks up to find me waiting for him on the branches. "You coming?" I ask. I reach down and help him up onto the branch. Edward climbed up several and started going low, I climb up and start to jump up on some height. As we get closer to the camp I start to hear sounds of battle. I pick my speed up and jump off the final tree into the battle killing two of the assassins with blades. The battle between the dark capes and light capes was everywhere.
I stand up and look at the man I had saved. He was about 19, maybe 20, clearly newbie. He look around and starts to run away with several others. And that is when Edward runs in and sees the raging war. I look at him, he was in shock. I turn away from him and run into the battle putting down several assassins who got in my way. As I run, I duck and roll under one of the assassins axes as he tries to kill me, I get back up drawing my knife and before he can turn around stab it into his neck. I spin around bringing my knife up just in time to block a sword, I take out my other knife and gut the assassin, he collapses. I turn away and keep running ignoring most battles that are going on around me. Edward was somewhere behind me fighting, the elders were outnumbered, yet they were holding their ground against the others, our leader was somewhere in the middle fighting. I stop and look around, there, there is the cabin of the leader. I make my way towards it.

               Not knowing why, I duck and a moment later a sword flies over me. I stand straight and see Eriz standing before me glaring at me, "You're supposed to be dead..."

               I grin,"Not as dead as you thought then." I answer taking out my sword and ax.

               "Then I won't make the same mistake this time!" He tells me and charges me with his sword drawn. I bring my sword blocking the attack, and swing my ax around at him. He takes out his knife and blocks the ax, causing it to bounce off. I duck as he tries to get my face with the knife, drive the ax in the ground and draw my other sword out. We dance/fight like that for 3-4 more minutes, until I realize that I'm getting slower and more tired. Eriz was stronger, and more fit for long combats. I duck once again this time bringing the short sword into his foot, and with this he stumbles back a little giving me time to attack. I take a few steps back and take out a knife. Eriz still a little dazed and confused looks around. With one flick I send the knife into his skull, and with a thud he falls down driving the knife deeper through his skull. I re-sheath the swords and take the ax, and as I run to the house grab the knife out of Eriz's skull.

               The door was jammed, but not for long. One of the light hooded assassins tried to kill me with his war hammer, missed and hit the door knocking it out. I turn around and with out thinking launch at him with my hidden blades. I hit his chest with so much force that he flies back at least 3 meters, I stab him in the throat twice and in the head twice. I stand up and run into the house. I couldn't waste time. I was uncertain how much of it I had.

               I step in the house and freeze. The chaos that was happening was one of the most terrifying things I have seen. Leonard, our general, fighting off 4 of the white caped with nothing but a knife. His body was covered in blood and he had 2 knives in his right side. His face,  messed up so bad, you can confuse it for a piece of fresh cut-out animal meat. At his feet lie 6 white capes, one with their head cut off, other with a sword through the heart, two with a skull bashed open like walnuts with an ax, one with a broken wrist blade in his eye, and the last with a spear through his chest. And now there are only 4 left.

          Not waiting any longer I go attack, but out of nowhere Eric rams me with his shoulder and I fly into the wall. He grins and takes out his sword.

               "You have been quite a pain in my ass... Edgar, is it? I though that you were killed by Eriz. But I see they is not the case." He says slowly walking towards me.

               "If you fight like Eriz," I say getting up, "then you will die like a dog... As well." I take out my sword and my knife and gesture him to attack.

                "You are amusing. I taught Erin, Edward, and Eriz. You think I fight like them? Ha!" His eyes scan me up and down. "If that is the case, then you will die like the rest of this camp." He answers with a smirk and launches at me. All I have time for is to raise my sword for a block, but am kicked right through the wall of the cabin, taking 4 logs with me. Eric jumps out of the cabin; behind him,one more of his assassin's leave the battle by being thrown across the room, out the door, and spine first onto the pike of one of his dead allies.

               I roll out of the way and bring up my sword, just as Eric strikes again, but instead of sitting and holding , I kick up and flip him over my self throwing him at the tree behind me. As he gets up, I throw a knife at him that buries it self in his shin. In pain he grunts while pulling the knife out, and glares at me. Tossing the knife aside he picks up his sword and straightens out.
"You won't be able to stop me." He smirks, "After all... I have a whole army to fight my battles." He turns away and starts limping away.

               As I get up two white capes attack me. I have to defend my home. Even if it will cost me my life!

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