Chapter 15: The Reveal

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               Jason hangs from the center beam in the tent, Edward pull out the knife that was driven into the leg of the kid a few moments ago, "Is that all that we need to know? It sounds like there is still something you're not telling me."

               Leonard looks over at Edgar, "Have you ever seen him like that?"

               "I've known him for only a few days, and he seemed to be able to hold him self together." Edgar looks over at Edward and sighs, "He seems a bit too excited to be torturing that kid. Wanna take over for now? Maybe you will get more out of him than Edward has been able to?"

               Leonard looks over at Jason and slowly pushing himself up to his feet walks over to Edward who pulls out a thin, long, and sharp needle and is about to dig it into Jason's jaw as Leonard grabs his shoulder and pulls him back. Edward slightly stumbles back not expecting that and looks over at Edgar who shrugs and looks over at Leonard who stands looking at Jason tilting his head and shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

               "Do you want to tell us everything yet?" Leonard asks lightly as he examines the kid. Jason stares at him without saying a word gritting his teeth. Leonard takes a step back and turns around but instantly swings around and lands a heavy shot into Jason's cut up ribs, at which Jason yells out and coughs up some blood. Leonard wipes his hand on Jason's cowl and looks at him again, "You sure you don't want to talk yet?"

               "Leonard, you want me to get back to my interrogation?" Edward asks taking a step towards the two of them.

               "No, no. I want to talk to him a little. Haven't done this stuff in a while." Leonard smirks, "I feel like I'm in my 20's again." Reaching into his jacket he takes out a small bottle of strong acid and pulling out a ball of cotton from his medical pouch puts them on the table next to the hung up Jason. Taking off his cape he picks up some medical gloves from somewhere under the table and picking up the bottle of acid opens it. Then taking the cotton ball soaks a small part of it in acid and turning to Jason spreads it on his cheeks, over the scars created by Edward, then puts some onto his arms and the back of the neck. Closing the bottle puts it on the table and as he takes out a match walks over to Edgar and Edward lighting it and then the cotton ball.

               Edward looks at Jason hanging up but without reacting to the acid looks at Leonard, "Why is he not in pain? If that's alcohol he should be screaming because of the scars on his face. If acid then his face would be burning off." Edward walks over to the table and picks up the bottle examining it.

               "Worry not Edward, he will tell us everything in a few minutes. Its a slow acting but a very strong acid that burns flesh like nothing else." Leonard reassures him. Walking over to the entrance of the tent he looks back at us, "Lets go get some food. By the time we come back his face will look like a deer leg mauled by a wolf." And with that walks out of the tent.

               Edward looks after him then at the kid who has started to flinch and jerk his head and arms around. Then he turns to Edgar and with a shrug says "I guess let's go." Turning to Jason he puts the bottle on the edge of the table and walks up close and examines the spots on his arms that were coated with the acid to find them irritated and red. Taking a few steps towards the exit he looks over his shoulder "Lets go. The old man didn't lie." And with that walks out.

               Edgar stands up and starts to walk over to the exit but stops. Looking down he takes out his knife and turns to Jason and taking slow steps towards him, twirls the knife in his fingers. "You will appreciate it later kid." And with that he takes his knife and slicing the skin in his checks and arms allows the blood to flow over the spots with the acid. Jason lets out a loud scream as his flesh gets cut and in an attempt to kick Edgar kicks the table which had the acid on him and tipping the bottle over splashes it all over his leg. Edgar takes a step back and re-sheathing his knife shrugs, "Well, I tried to help you. You only made it worse for your self. Have fun suffering." Turning away he heads to the exit, but just before exiting looks back at the kid and shakes his head rolling his eyes. Then with a smile turns away and walks out of the tent.

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