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Why the fuck did you do that?
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I get that you're hurt,
I totally get that Charles,
but are you serious??

Oh come off it Lewis
I deleted it

You shouldn't have ever posted it??
Did you even ask how
Jaspar got those photos?

Yeah Juno caught them
together on New Year's Eve
And she sent them to Jaspar
Who confronted Presley about it
And then Milo beat up Jaspar

That's not even close
to what happened

Well she won't tell me her
side so I don't care anymore
I filled for divorce anyway
This was a mistake, Jaspar was right

Why do you believe Jaspar?
Not just over Presley, but over Milo?

Why shouldn't I?
He's done nothing wrong

Yeah except cheating on
Presley with her best friend
and then trashing her
apartment when p questioned him.
Not to mention pinning
her against the wall

That's what Jaspar told me
she'd say if she ever told me

She's scared to death of him.
She only went to New York
because she was scared
that he would do something to you

Why would he do something to me?

Because he did it to Milo

Yeah well, I don't care.
Presley picked Milo and
that's the end of it

She didn't pick him,
she picked herself and actually you too
You can't be mad that Milo chased after her.
I think you need to apologise to them


Because of what you posted??
How would you like it if she
had posted picture of you and an ex in bed together?

I wouldn't care

And how would your ex feel?
It was wrong for you to do that
and you know it. Even if you're
too stubborn to admit it
You care about both of them
otherwise you wouldn't have deleted it

I knew you'd side with Milo
You only ever saw me as a kid
Well fuck you lewis

Grow up Charles.
If that's what you really think, then I can't change that. But I'm disappointed that you don't see what's really going on.
I do hope however you'll speak to them this weekend in Austin

They are coming?


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