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11 months later

Presley leant on Charles's shoulder. Tears seeped through her green eyes as the 2024 World Champion soothed her back. "I'm so sorry," She wept through panic-induced tears.

This was not supposed to have happened. Presley and Charles were meant to be getting married in just four weeks, and this was about to change everything. They both sobbed into each other as they stood in the kitchen of their Parisian apartment.

After looking at Monaco, London and Rome apartments, Charles and Presley decided on a penthouse apartment that looked over the Champs Élysées. It worked perfectly for both of them, plus the views were incredible.

"Hey, beautiful, you're not to blame." Charles cooed as he rubbed his hands up and down Presley's back. He had never seen her like this. She was scared, and from the look on her face, Presley had no idea what to do.

Presley took a step back. Charles was perfect. He was in the best place in his career and was in the middle of defending his first-world title. The 2024 battle had been tense. For the first half of the season, it was dominated by Charles and Ferrari, but after a stellar summer break, Mercedes came back with the power. However, the difference was Mercedes allowed both George and Mick to take wins, whereas at Ferrari, due to Charles being ahead he was prioritised.

Charles took the title with one race left to spare, thanks to an incredible defensive performance from Max Verstappen. While many pundits believed it would be a tense relationship between Charles and Max, it turned out to be the opposite. They both knew where they stood, and it just so happened that Charles got off to a better start. Next season it could be Max.

"But what are we going to do?" Presley hiccuped as she rested against the kitchen counter. "I'm pregnant, and according to the doctor, it's a miracle I'm this far along without noticing." She pointed out.

Charles laughed. He instantly felt bad. The Ferrari Champ knew how panicked and worried his fiancee was, and yet he found humour in the situation they found themselves in. It was just another example of the balance they found in their relationship.

"I don't want to get married and not be able to taste the impeccable selection of wine we curated," Presley pouted, "We have our own blend, for crying out loud." She sighed as she slid down the counter onto the floor.

Charles quickly sat down with her. He pulled her hands towards him and then pressed them against the bump that was showing.

"So let's postpone it?" He suggested, "Let's be honest, when have we ever done things in the right order?" Charles pointed out as he moved to sit next to Presley.

Immediately Presley rested her head on his shoulder. Charles was right. They never did things in the right order, so why was it such a shock that they would have a child before getting married? It wasn't exactly frowned upon these days, but something still didn't feel right with the fashion designer.

"I will do whatever you want; you know that, Pres," Charles told her as he ran his hand up and down her shoulder. "And besides, you are growing a baby Leclerc." He gazed.

That made Presley smile. It was true, they were on this amazing journey together and it didn't need to make sense to anyone but them. Their entire story didn't make sense, but to them, to them, it was perfect.

Charles fell first, but Presley, oh, she fell so much harder.

"I am growing a baby Leclerc," Presley grinned as a tear dropped from her eye. "We are going to be parents, you and me."

Warmth overcame Charles. This was all he had wanted, Presley and a future. He had known she was the one from the first time he met her. It was strange.

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