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"So you're a PSG fan now?" Charles smirked as he walked out of the corporate level bar. His lips curled into a smile as he approached the brunette leaning back against the stadium wall.

Presley was waiting for Juno to come back from the bathroom. They were both in the box level of the stadium as they had been invited by Kylian Mbappe himself, and considering her blonde best friend was not a football fan in the slightest, she had nearly lost her voice chanting along.

"I like winning, so I suppose I am." Presley chuckled as she smiled at Charles and Arthur, who had stopped before her. "But no, I am an-...." She added before Charles interrupted, "An Arsenal fan because Thierry Henry in a long-sleeved jersey standing over the ball was just...." He recounted with a mocking drooling face.

Presley shook her head in laughter before tapping the top of his shoulder. She loved that Charles had remembered the exact reason she started supporting the London-based team, and Charles then added that as she was now good friends with Emile Smith-Rowe, Presley would attend as many games as possible.

When Juno came bounding out from the bathroom, Arthur was about to comment, "Pres, did you ask if Leclerc Squared wanted to join at Solaris." Juno boomed as she tapped away on her phone, not realising who was standing before her. "Oh hey, so are you coming?" She asked with pursed lips.

Both of the boys shrugged their shoulders. This was not a plan that they were familiar with, although Charles was about to jump at any opportunity to spend time with Presley, given the last time he saw her, his girlfriend threw her drink over the designer.

Charles looked at Presley, his eyes doing most of the talking. A subtle nod from Presley was all he needed to agree to the plans. "We have a car outside; you might as well come with us?" Arthur suggested lightly.

"That sounds great, now, Arthur...." Juno began before she looped her arm through his. Presley knew exactly what Juno was doing. "I want to know all about my new favourite Leclerc brother." She chuckled.

Arthur happily led her away, and whether they were going to talk about Arthur or just natter on about random subjects, Juno was quickly dragged away in fits of laughter.

Presley and Charles exchanged a look, their eyes drawing up and down the other. There was something Presley found attractive about a man in a football shirt, and Charles wore it well. He wore the home shirt with an AS Monaco red and white scarf draped on the shoulders of a sand-coloured wool jacket.

On the other hand, Presley was incredibly underdressed, but that was what Charles found so enticing. He had never seen her like this. Usually, she was dressed in the latest fashions and looked incredibly polished, but today Presley wore the PSG home shirt tied up at the waist and a pair of skinny black jeans. Even the shoes the designer wore were casual. Around her hips, a jumper was tied.

"I feel like Arthur and Juno will get on," Charles commented as he and Presley began slowly following behind the two blondes ahead. "I mean, they might have a tough time trying to out sass each other." He laughed.

Presley shrugged her shoulders. She knew that Charles had never taken to Juno. Still, she had always wondered whether that was a symptom of the shaky dynamic that the brunette had shared with Juno during her relationship with Charles. "I think so; besides, they want us to be together?" Presley remarked under her breath but smiled at her ex-husband, who ran his tongue over his lips.

The Ferrari driver laughed to himself. Arthur had drilled into Charles over Christmas that he was being unreasonable; despite not knowing Presley, Arthur was on her side. He was the one person who knew Charles better than himself and, coming with that, knew that Charles got obsessed very quickly.

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