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Hi everyone! This is i think my fourth story on here, believe it or not I wrote the next like five chapters before multiverse of madness came out even though it has a similar plot but yeah, i hope you enjoy...also, think of Morgan like eleven from stranger things that will help with visuals

"No! No!" 

But they didn't stop. 

The bad men kept hurting me. 

The two men is white suits kept stabbing me with tiny sharp objects. "We need to sedate her." 


Last time they said that I woke up somewhere new. 

You felt a burning sensation in your stomach. You felt your power shoot through your arms and your fingertips as you rapidly shot backwards in the air and heard the sound of breaking glass. Then, you were free-falling. 

I went through the screen. 

I thought it was fake.

You suddenly felt a hard surface on your back and saw many unfamiliar faces. 

What? Who are these people?

I need to get out of here.

You quickly got up and began to sprint as fast as you could to get away. Then, you heard a voice from behind you, "Wait, stop!" 

You quickly turned right into an alleyway but realized you were trapped. Then, you noticed through your white scrubs that you were bleeding. You heard the footsteps get louder and louder. I really don't want to fight anyone. 

You turned around to see a man, around six feet tall get closer to you. He wore jeans, a gray T-shirt, and a black cardigan. He had blue eyes and white streaks in his hair with an odd ring on. 

You nervously told him, "Go away!" 

He then calmly asked, "Are you alright?" You looked at him oddly and he said, "You just fell out of a three story building and got up." 

You once again said, "Go away." 

You then picked up a lid of a metal trash can and threw it at him with your telekinesis. You then saw orange sparks fly around and the metal lid came flying back at you from behind. You swiftly dodged it and looked at him surprised. You were in too much shock to move. He began to walk closer to you but you decided to use your powers and try to push him against the wall. He lost his balance but didn't fall. 

He then said, "I don't want to do this." 

But you continued to fight him until he said, "Sorry." Then you felt your legs go weak as he touched your forehead. You began to feel extremely sleepy. You felt a pair of arms go under your legs and back and pick you up. Then, you went through the orange sparks and fell asleep. 


You woke up to see the man to your left with a bowl of some sort. You then sat up and saw that you were in a bed. You tried to use your powers once more but you couldn't. Before you could realize, the man said, "I put a bond on your ankle, you can't use your powers right now." You looked at him with fear as he handed you the bowl and said, "Here, you need to eat." You looked at it dubious as he said, "If I wanted to kill you I would have already, just eat it." You awkwardly dipped the metal utensil into the liquid and began to eat. 

After you were finished he said motioning to your wounds, "Do you want to get that cleaned up? I ran you a bath." You shook your head but he insisted and helped you get out of the bed. He led you into a connected room with a bathtub and a sink. 

Just as you walked in there you began to take off your scrubs as he said, "Wait hold on-" You looked at him confused as you stopped taking off your shirt. 

What was wrong with that? 

He then realized that you didn't know what was wrong so he said, "I'll get you some clothes." Then he walked out and left you alone. 

You stepped into the warm bath and looked around. You saw a few bottles and didn't really know what to do with them. 

You never did this before. 

Getting cleaned up was just being hosed down with cold water. 

You opened the bottle and poured it into the water. 

It smelt good. 

After a few minutes of doing that, you slowly got out and grabbed the towel he gave you. Then, you took the clothes and put them on too. He gave you a pair of plaid boxers, pajama pants, and a white T-shirt. You then walked out of the connected room to see him sitting on the bed. 

He looked at you confused and said, "You still have blood in your hair-" He then realized you didn't know how to wash your hair. He awkwardly smiled and said, "Stay right there." He came back a few minutes later with a chair and a shampoo bottle. He sat in the chair in front of the sink and offered you a seat. He then pulled your hair back and began to wash your hair. The warm water felt nice on your hair after years of mistreatment. 

He calmly asked you, "What's your name?" He waited a minute and said, "My name is Stephen." You looked at him confused as he asked, "What do they call you?" 

I heard the bad men say subject M. 

Is that what he is talking about? 

You didn't want to be wrong so you just stayed quiet. 

After he was finished, he dried off your hair with a towel and you sat back down on the bed. He then helped you pull back the covers and noticed the letter that was tattooed on your wrist, 'M.' He then said, "Goodnight...M." He turned off the light and left the room. You were so exhausted from the day, you fell asleep. 


You woke up to someone lightly nudging you and whispering, "I made you breakfast. Why don't you come down and eat." You turned around looking at him confused but he just helped you out of bed and you walked down a set of stairs. Then, you turned to the left to see a kitchen. It was like a retro style diner, different from the rest of the 'house.' It had an island, cabinets, stove, oven, and a booth table. You sat down awkwardly at the table as he handed you a plate of what looked like bread but in a circle(pancakes). You poked at it with your fork not knowing what it was. He took the hint and ate a bite of his first to show you how to do it. 

You began to eat as he asked, "Where'd you come from?" You looked up at him nervously and quietly said, "Bad place." 

He was surprised that you talked to him and said, "What type of bad place? Did they hurt you there?" 

You asked, "Hurt?" 

He nodded, "Yeah, like..." He didn't know how to explain it so he gently picked up your hand making it lightly slap his face, "Hurt." You nodded unsurely. 

Then he asked, "What's your name?" You looked at him confused as he picked up your right wrist showing you the M, "Your name. Does it start with an M?" You nodded just going along with what he said. He then began to list off names that started with an M, "Meredith? Megan? Madison? Maria? Morgan?" You had no idea what he was talking about and he realized so he said, "How about Morgan?" You liked that so you nodded. He then said, "Well, Morgan. We're gonna go to one of my friend's places today and see if he can help you. Is that okay?" 

You looked at him nervously but he assured you it would be alright. Soon after you finished eating he put on a coat and asked, "Are you ready?" You nodded and he lifted up his hands and the orange sparks appeared again. He then walked through and said, "Come on." You hesitantly stepped through and it closed behind you. You looked around the room and saw that it was a lab. There were science materials everywhere and a chair(dentist office chair). You then turned around to see a man with curly, darkish gray hair, a purple shirt, and brown pants. 

He took off his glasses and held out his hand towards you, "Dr. Banner."

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