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About a week went by, you continued to hang out in the library or training room all day. 

The nightmares still continued and both Stephen and you couldn't think of anything to help them go away. You were scared to go to sleep in fear of what might happen if you did. He tried staying in your room until you fell asleep but you either wouldn't fall asleep or you would wake up in the middle of the night with a nightmare. You tried just simply falling asleep somewhere else; in his room or on a couch, but once again, that failed as well. He tried everything but nothing worked. You felt bad because while you were losing sleep due to them, he was also losing sleep. He had dark circles under his eyes, just like you. 

He also got you an outfit(kind of the same monk-type as his). It was a sleeveless baggy dark purple top with matching pants. You had black wraps on your wrists to cover scars from when you were at the bad place and black boots. 

When you got out of bed this morning, you had no idea it would be the first time in a while to get some good and real sleep. 

You walked downstairs to see Stephen sitting at the table like normal. He asked, "How did you sleep?" 

You answered exhaustedly, "I didn't." 

His eyebrows fuzzled at your comment as he asked sympathetically, "Why didn't you come tell me?" 

You answered ashamedly as you took a seat next to him, "I didn't want to bother you." 

He wrapped his arm around you so that his hand would cradle your head into his chest, "Morgan, you need to tell me. Don't be worried about bothering me, okay?" 

You nodded and sat there for a while until you finished eating your breakfast that was sat out on the table. 

Later that day, you got ready by putting on your outfit and you both began to train. He continued working with your powers to strengthen them. But then, you both heard something that sounded like it was coming from the main room. You turned towards him nervously but it looked like he already knew what was going on. 

He then said, "Remember what I've been telling you, fight like your life depends on it because one day, it might? Today is that day. These men want to take that book from the library, we can't let them. I've been keeping an eye on them and I knew they were coming soon. Don't let them get a hold of that book." 

You looked at him terrified but he walked into the main room calmly. You saw three men who were wearing tunic like stuff just as you and Stephen wore. Stephen asked them, "Why are you here?" 

One of the men answered, "We want the book of Cagliostro. If you give it to us, we will leave peacefully. If you do not, we will kill you and still acquire it." 

Dr. Strange laughed and said, "Okay." You looked at him confused until he tapped his fists together and orange sparks filled the air in a symmetrical pattern, "Try me." 

You also tapped your fists together doing the same as the man who spoke before said, "You two, take her. I'll get him." 

You looked at them fearfully but ran up to the room with the different portals. They followed you up there but as they were following you, you made a bookshelf fall on one of their heads leaving him on the ground. The other one continued to follow you until you got into the room. You began fighting him as he began forming some sort of clear matter that acted as a sword. You were doing fine until you got cut on the side of your cheek. Your face began to bleed badly, you knew you had to get rid of him. You changed the setting to the desert on the portal and after many attempts you finally got him in...except, you were in too. 

The door was too high but you noticed he didn't have his sling ring, so you ran away quickly and used yours. You made a portal back into the monastery. He began to catch up to you but you hopped in as quickly as you could, leaving him stranded in the desert. You were back in the same room but the guy you knocked over was standing out in the hallway, and he didn't take having a bookshelf knocked on top of him too lightly. 

He began running towards you as you got ready to defend yourself. He formed a glass-like matter out of thin air and began to attack you with it. Except, he was a lot stronger than the other guy. You began to get weak and your moves were sloppy and feeble. He also knew this. You were hoping that Stephen would be done with the other guy by now to come help you but you had no idea where he was. Just then you felt a painful stab to your side. You screamed in agony, this made you angry. 

You finally gained enough strength to use all of your powers. You forcefully pushed him away from you at about 70 mph. He went flying backwards until he crashed into a wall and went through. You were in shock at what you just did. You felt as if your legs couldn't move for almost five minutes. 

You just killed a man. 

Maybe the bad men were right, you were a weapon. 

You were just a weapon to use at their display. 

You just stared at the man's lifeless body in the wall until Stephen quickly came to your side. He stood in front of you checking your head to make sure you were okay and then hugged you, "Are you okay?" 

He pulled away, checking your head for any other damages and you nodded. You answered, "Yeah, I'm fine." 

He then asked, "What happened to them?" 

You answered in shock, "One's in the desert, the other is in the wall." You saw him turn around and look but you said, "He's dead." 

Just then you felt lightheaded, I got stabbed. 

Your adrenaline rush was slightly wearing off and you felt a severe pain in your side, you grasped at it with your palm and screamed in pain. 

Stephen quickly helped you to the ground gently and said, "Were you stabbed?" 

You nodded as you cried. He then picked you up bridal style and opened a portal into some sort of closet. Your whole body is in pain now. You felt the crimson red liquid seeping out of your stomach. 

You looked at Stephen nervously as you said, "Am I going to be okay?" 

He nodded with tears in his eyes as he said, "Yeah sweetie. You are." 

You then couldn't keep your eyes open. You began to get tired as he said, "No, stay with me Morgan. I need you to keep your eyes open." You mumbled tiredly, "I'm tired." 

You didn't want to open your eyes. 

It was so relaxing to just close your eyes and relax. 

Dying felt nice. 

You then heard him beseechingly yell, "Christine! CHRISTINE!" 

Just then you heard a lot of talking around you and familiar fluorescent lights. You heard the sounds of a female's voice talking nervously, "Stephen? What is this? Who is she?" 

He answered, "Get an OR now, just you." 

The voices were fading in and out until you felt a padded surface underneath you. 

You heard Stephen say, "I'll give her the IV and stitch up her face, you take care of her stab wound." 

You felt him quickly unwrapping the bands on your arm and a small prick go into your arm and heard him say, "You're gonna be okay M." 

Then, everything went dark, and all of your senses were gone. 

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