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"To think my garden became a wasteland, visited by a wretch" Zeus scowled, looking out at the wilted forest that was once in bloom.

"Always a cheerful man, Zeus-sama" the Vampire King chuckled as he took a seat next to where Zeus was standing.

The King of Gods side-eyed Karl Heinz, internally feeling shame on how even he cannot prevent his kind from trespassing celestial property. This man was smiling as if it was a casual meet-up, while Zeus kept his face in a frown. He knew Karl wasn't there to pester him, but the vampire was simply poking holes to get a rise out of Zeus.

"Say what you have come her for or leave my presence" Zeus grunted

Karl smiled mischievously, "Such an impatient man, I mean, God. You remind me a lot of my sons"


"Speaking of my children, I want to talk to you about yours"

"I only have two sons" Zeus barked

The vampire was having none of it. Knowing Zeus to be exactly as him, only a tad bit more promiscuous. He rolled his eyes before lightly laughing.

"Yes of course, but along the way I adopted, you could say, new sons. I'm sure you did the same with six others, not including your brother"

"What are you getting at vampire?"

Karl's amber eyes squinted slightly, "We appear to be entering a havoc over the "human" you have picked up"

"I'm aware of that. So what?"

"I'm quite sure you are very familiar with how the Ancient Romans would use their little Coliseum, are you not?"


Yui put up a fight when she was told to stay in her dorm while they were in battle against the unworldly clans. She kicked and squirmed and even pulled hair when even Takeru tried to get her through the door. None of them wanted to lock her inside yet in another room, but those were the orders given to them. No one wanted to get the beasts' side pissed off and proceed to do their own fight. They were left without a choice and try to sneak her in as a spectator. It was quite difficult since their side of the audience were other Gods seated. They just put a black cloak over her to pass her off as a temple priestess.

The group much rather have her not witness the bloodshed that was about to unfold. The opponents were strictly forbidden to use their powers and to fight as humans would during ancient times. Before trying to force Yui to stay put, they were given the armor used. The only ones familiar with such atrocities were Apollon and Hades, given how most of Roman culture was borrowed from others, and Greek being the top.

Armored and ready to enter the arena, Apollon, with a trembling voice, said, "If...we don't come out of this...just know I love you guys as my own family"

They all smiled sadly, not wanting to cry at the beginning of this already. Their brave faces didn't last long as it occurred to them this could be the end for some or all. But at any cost, one of them has to survive at least, to make sure Yui never falls into an abyss of darkness again. At least they need to make sure they all die with one standing.

As the gates opened, their ears were filled with roars, chants, curses, and even snarls. All this came from the side of the opponents, their side just sat on their seat with their mouths shut and waiting for it to begin. They refused to join in on such lowly and vulgar behavior.

The Gods stepped into the light, admiring or analyzing the huge stone structure Zeus had built amidst all the withered plant life. He rebuilt the female dorms thinking Yui is waiting for the end results. They scanned the crowd of deities looking for her. Apollon almost fainted when he saw Yui so happened to sit next to his twin sister, Artemis. She caught her brother's deanimated face and sent a thumb's up with a serious face. It's safe to guess Artemis has her under her wing when she weirdly hugged Yui a little too affectionately.

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