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"Pfftbwaahahahahahahahaha!!! That's the stupidest thing I've heard!" Loki burst out laughing. Ayato gets closer to him and flashes him his fangs to prove the jokester wrong. Loki raises an eyebrow, "That doesn't prove it, I have canines too, look", he opens his mouth to expose his teeth.

"So, you want proof that we are vampires huh?", Ayato eyes at a waking Yui and smiles evily,"I think I have something in mind".

"No we don't want proof thank you hehe" Apollon laughed nervously while helping Yui stand up. She rubs her eyes and yawns, Yui leaned on Apollon's shoulder keeping her eyes half opened, she looked more tired than ever. Balder goes next to Yui and grabs her hand, "Let's talk about this another time when we go back to the school, Yui-san really needs to sleep".

Laito-"Eeeh? We were planning to take Bitch-chan with us tonight"

Takeru-"Well don't plan crap that ain't gonna happen"

Reiji-"It seems you don't understand the situation. She belongs to us"

Ayato(glares at Reiji)-"No one can claim ore-sama's property as their own"

Shuu- "So annoying. Just take her already"

Yui instantly grabs Balder's arm with fright, she doesn't want to go anywhere with them. He squeezes her hand and looks furrowly at the brothers, "It is not your decision to make. Yui-san wants to stay with us and she will. Goodnight".

They didn't wait for the strangers to agree with them because frankly, they wouldn't negotiate at all. As soon as they left, the gods all started to fight again about who sleeps next to Yui. As they are walking back to their camp, the brothers stayed behind watching them.

Kanato- "Teddy, looks like they all like Yui don't they?"

Laito-"Bitch-chan sure is spoiled now isn't she? Hmph, such a selfish woman"

Reiji-"It does seem she has a lot of affection to each one of them"


Shu-"What a waste of time"

Ayato was serious, he didn't move from where he was standing. Just watching any of them touch her made his blood boil, she belonged to him. Laito shows up next to him, "What's wrong brother, are you jealous?", he smirked.

"Shuddup", Ayato shoves him off and starts to walk away, "Chichinashi is going to pay for causing trouble to her master," he growled.

It was late in the morning, the gods and Yui arrived at school from their not so successful school event. Instead of being annoyed that they didn't have fun like promised, they all were worried for Yui. She was deadly quiet on their way back without smiling at any of them.

"Hey Weed, cheer up ok? Don't listen to those assholes", Takeru assured her, Yui smiled at him but it was gone soon after. How could she be fine when she starts to remember a life she didn't know she had? It was too much for her to process. They headed to the lounge since they didn't bother unpacking their stuff. They began sitting or laying down on the couch thinking about what happened last night. It was too quiet so Loki decided to brake the silence.

Loki-"So you don't think those "things" were serious do you?"

Apollon-"I don't know Loki-Loki, they seemed serious when talking about Fairy"

Takeru-"Those morons talked as if Weed was their property!"

Balder-"We can't let them get near her if they come back"

Hades-"I always thought vampires were a human myth"

Tsukito-"I read in a book that vampires are highly territorial when it come to their prospective mate. The same goes with werewolves"

Takeru-"What makes you think Weed is their prospective mate?!....and stop reading weird books!"

While they discussed, Yui was alone with her own thoughts. She does remember them, each one of them but it's crazy. She was a different person, by appearance of course. She remembers how mean they were to her in their own way. Ayato constantly picked on her because she was "flat chested", and punished her when supposedly she misbehaved.

Why would they want her back if they treated her like an object?. She was just their food, and second how did they get here? It's a garden for gods only. That's when she got an idea, "I'm going to talk to Zeus, be right back!", without waiting a response she ran out the room to go look for Zeus.

Yui just walked inside the enormous chamber.

Yui-"Zeus, I need to talk to you"

Zeus-"What is it human?"

Yui-"I-I don't know how to explain it but I have a question about it"

Zeus-"Stop blubbering and out with it"

Yui-"There is these young men, who say they are vampires and come for me but...how can they have come here? Only gods are allowed here."

Zeus(raises eyebrow)- "Sigh, I am aware of your "friendly" visitors but my power can't reach them"

Yui-"What do you mean?"

Thoth(comes out of nowhere)-"He means that they are from another type of race whatsoever. They aren't dead nor alive and being a god he can't do anything about it. What you are dealing with are unworldly creatures."

Yui(gasps)-"B-but you are the most powerful god of all! Their must be something you can do please, I don't want the others to get hurt"

Zeus-"I am sorry human but it's not within our power to help you. Their is nothing we can do".

So much for a better response, Yui slumped and took her time to walk back with the gods. When she got back to the room the gods stared at her, she returned their gazes.

A sudden lump formed in her throat, (Why am I going to cry? It shouldn't bother me. Is this the feeling from my other life?). She didn't want them to see her cry, she had to be strong for them but the weight was almost too much on her. Someone grabbed her cheek softly, it was Tsukito, "Yui-san, please don't make a face like this. It makes me feel sadness, we are here for you to protect and care for you".

His comment made a tear trickle down her cheek, he was right, they were the most wonderful people she's met. "Come on Koneko-chan, you really think we'd let some freaks touch you?" Loki said giving her a wink. Hades was quiet as he stared in Yui's brown eyes, "What's wrong Hades-san?".

He held both of her hands and placed them on his cheek, "I'm so sorry Yui, it's my fault this happened to you". Everyone stared in confusion and wide eyed, "What do you mean? You had nothing to do with this Hades-san". He furrowed his brows and bit his lips, Yui could feel her hands being squeezed from his frustration. Hades exhaled and lowered his head feeling ashamed to lift his view, "I have been feeling a sense of death when we arrived at our campsite. Please forgive me for not being able to stop them".

Yui could feel the pain and guilt in his voice, he wasn't to blame when no one knew this was going to happen. She smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. Hades was suprised at first, but then hugged her back, "It's not your fault Hades-san, you couldn't look into the future. We will get through it". He let down a tear silently, so no one can notice it.

Yui broke the hug, as soon as she did it, the gods exhaled loudly, which made her laugh. The same beautiful smile she always has, it warmed the gods hearts. Apollon suggested they make a fireplace and have a sleepover, everyone liked the idea. Sharing stories, laughing, eating and hoping one of them would cuddle with Yui. It was perfect, they forgot about all the problems involving Yui.

Outside near the window was an angry Ayato sitting on a branch, watching them get close to Yui. He was growling, he felt his blood burning with rage. He was planning on how to get her away from these...who knows what they are, clearly not human. Punching the tree trunk he swore to take her back, he claimed her first than anyone. "No one touches what is mine" he seethed.

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