Never forgotten

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Sonic P.O.V

I stood there with the bow and arrows in my hand as I looked at Shadow's life less body. I walked over to him and kneeled down right next to Shadow. I picked him up and held him in my arms crying that he didn't have to leave me alone. I felt guilty for killing him but there was nothing I could do. I knew I was going to feel guilty for the rest of my life.

3 years later

It has been 3 years since I lost Shadow and yes I still have the blue rose. I just with that it would be gone forever but I can't make that happen. As I walk through the town looking at my feet I see a small black and red faded quail on the ground. I went to pick it up but before I could it faded away. I looked up and saw a trail of them. So I followed it and it lead me to the a bridge the same bridge that has the markings. I rubbed my hand on the rail and then it stopped it because I front of me. Was a Black and red hedgehog and next to him was a full black wolf. I tried to walk away but my name was called.

"Please don't go Sonic" called the black wolf

I looked back at them both in a little confused.

"I think you might be Happer if we made a deal" said the Black wolf

To be counted

(Sorry for the short chapter I am going through a lot from my friend moving and having problems with my dog I will try to make more as soon as I can write soon)

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