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Leahs pov

Back to reality. I'm here sitting at work, going through multiple emails, phones calls and meetings. I have lunch in a bit though and so does Jen so we're gonna be on a FaceTime while we both eat.

Right now I'm finishing up a meeting. Everything was going great..until my boss who I'm cool with, let me know the company was laying off some people.

"So..we don't know yet who?" I asked in a little bit of worry.

"No. I'm trying to get the news a little sooner. We just know that the company has to let go at least four people."

"Wow.. does it matter who?"

"Not too sure. It could be anyone whose worked here for many years or someone who just worked a couple of years here. But you are one of my best employees. If anything I'm putting a good word in for you but we just play the waiting game for now"

"Damn. Okay. Thank you, I appreciate it! Im just in shock cause we're all family here basically"

"I know.."



"Hi!" My girlfriend says happily on our FaceTime call. "Hi beautiful. How's your day?" I ask her. "It's been nice! Im actually off an hour early today which is exciting. Oh and the agency that's been working with me and my past photoshoots emailed me earlier. Another brand wants me to promote them and of course it's a paid promotion. But guess what company?"

"Which one?" I ask as I eat. "Victorias secret"

"Shut up" I said. "Im dead ass" she tells me. "Oh my goodness baby congratulations!!! What the hell!"

"Thank youuuu. I was thinking, I know I got it handled and everything but one of the people who works in the agency helps me get these gigs. But she's doing it without me paying her and she does so much. Like she takes care of a lot of things I don't focus on."

"Oh, why doesn't she work for you?"

"That's what I was thinking. Like since I'm full time at this job and just taking gigs here and there, she can help with that. I totally don't mind paying her.."

"You should talk to her about it. I'm sure she'd love to work for you!"

"You think?"

"Yup! Look you'll be getting paid from your job and from this now modeling stuff you do. Multiple streams of income. And you don't need extra stress so she can handle it for you" I tell her. "Right! Mmkay I'll think about it"

"And who knows, you can have your own business" I said. She laughs and continues to eat.

"How's work bae?" She asks with her mouth full. "Mm... they're laying off four people"

"What?" She gasps. "Yeah. Not sure who. We won't find out til Friday.."

"Oh no.. do you have an idea of who?"

"No. It's random."

"Shit.. well.. I'm sure you're fine. Keep a positive attitude!" She says. "Yeah we'll see. My boss said he'll try to save me if anything but it's all on the company. Not him"

"Oh I see. Yeah that's how it works" she pouts.

"Well I have a favor, after you're off since you're out you mind walking Mimi?" I ask her. "Of course" she smiles.

"Thank youuu. I just wanna go straight home after work" I sighed. "Yeah you need some rest babe. And not so much stress. I can sleep over tonight and make you dinner" she says sweetly. "Awwww you don't have to"

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