Bother you

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Leahs POV

I just finished showering. It's 1 am and surprisingly a lot of us are either going to sleep or watching g a movie playing in the living room. I was one of the ones who just wanted to go to sleep. There's just a few of them out there watching the movie.

As I finished drying myself up, I hear the door open.

"Oh" I said. Luckily I was covered up.

"So you don't know how to lock a damn door? This is why I knew sharing a bathroom with someone would suck" Jennifer says. "Okay, Shut up. The door was locked but if you paid attention, you would've known That your side is the master bedroom meaning you have access to unlock it." I said.

"Okay. Don't talk to me like that. You're messing with the wrong girl" she tells me. "You think I didn't know that a month ago?" I asked.  "Bullshit. You wanted me and it was obvious. Yet you couldn't control your baby feelings for me and now you're acting salty since we've finally seen each other again."

"Okay? And after we stopped talking I realized what a dumb decision I made fucking with you" I said.

"Yeah cause you were overthinking the whole situation we had when I clearly told you were just fucking"

"We were fucking around but you treated me like I was your girlfriend!" I exclaimed. "Girlfriend??! Ha! Never"

"Who the fuck calls the person they mess with every night to fall asleep with?? Who says 'let me know when your home' after spending a full day together?! Takes their bitch to go out late at night to the beach alone together? Go out and pay for their food?? What?" I asked.

"When I have the money I do what I fucking want." Jennifer says.

"Yeah sure. I'm sure you never did that with Crystal. Spoiling her the way you spoiled me"

"Crystal didn't mean shit to me!!" She says and I cross my arms. She just played herself there.

"Sooo you're saying I mean something to you?"

"No! I-"

"Guys! Relax!" I hear Giselle say and she holds my arm. I yanked away and left the bathroom as my throat started to sore. My eyes were getting watery and I was trying so hard to hide it as I started dressing in my PJs. I was doing it fast too because I knew some of them outside heard the arguing. They might end up checking on what just happened.

I sat in my side of the bed and propped my leg up while looking down at my phone and started texting my cousin. The one I come to randomly when things happen to me.

"Leah. You okay?" Giselle asks.

"Yes and I don't wanna talk about it" I muttered.

"Okay" she says softly. I hear her close the doors and then she sits by me and rubs my back. It was quiet for a few minutes but my sniffling cut the silence. I sighed and laid back onto the pillows. I wiped my eyes and just watched the tv show that was playing on the TV.

But that didn't last that long. I ended up laying on my side facing away from Giselle and just stared at the wall. And of course.. I started to think again. My thoughts kept coming. I know I'm a tough girl but for some reason that broke me and caused me to tear up a little. Then there's Jennifer, a girl whose been in fights, a badass who has a certain filter, she says she doesn't have feelings for me yet she caught herself up earlier when we were arguing. In the beginning of this trip, I thought it'd be fine that she was here too. I thought we'd just have awkward moments and that's it. I never thought we'd argue like this. Our second argument together. The best I can do now is just fall asleep and hope for a better day tomorrow.


I woke up and checked my phone for the time. It was only 8 am. Giselle wasn't even awake. But I got up, brushed my teeth, then went outside to watch the sunrise alone in the backyard with our gorgeous view. I was sitting on the pool chair and enjoying the quiet and clean air. Birds chirping, wind softly blowing and the smell of the fresh trees. It felt nice and relieving after what happened last night.

I'm enjoying the hell out of this trip but the negativity is in the way. I hate having a grudge against someone but I have one for Jennifer now. But she's used to it. Or used to be used to it. She told me she fought people in the club, even physically. Certain girls who wouldn't stay in their lane. But for this situation, I still think Jennifer just doesn't wanna admit anything. And when I try to get it out of her she just gets angry about it. The truth hurts her.

A couple hours, yes hours later, everyone else was awake. I glanced at Jennifer as she walks to the kitchen and gets out a bottle of cold water in the fridge. I could tell what was going through everyone's minds. The fight last night. But our friends were trying to bring up things so that the tension wouldn't be awkward.

Throughout the day, we mostly chilled out. It was a chill type of day since these past days have been filled with different activities.


As it was getting dark and the night was here, we had started a pit fire to make some s'mores after dinner outside. I sat by Tyler and he was struggling to make his s'mores perfectly. So I decided to help him. He laughs along with me as we put the cracker and chocolate together and topped off the marshmallow.

"Thank you" he says. "No problem! I usually just squeeze them together and it should stay perfectly inside the cracker." I said.

"Mmm you're right. And all the flavors together. Amazing" he says. I smiled at him. Then I looked past him and see Jennifer look away from us.

"Tyler. Get me a napkin?" I hear Jennifer politely ask. I looked and see him stand up. "Only because I love you" he says and pats her head. She rolls her eyes then looked at me.

"Stop hogging my friend"

"I'm not?"

"And why are you even sitting here?" She asks. "If I sat across you, you wouldn't stop staring. Don't wanna cause a scene and have one of us end up on fire" I said.

"Mm. Guess you're right. And lucky."

"Lucky? Again?"

"Lucky that you're sitting here"

"Jennifer. Just don't talk to me. I don't want to deal with your shit."

"Yes you do" she says and we both look away from each other. The conversation was mostly not having eye contact.

"No...I don't. I don't wanna argue with you. I don't want to have a grudge. Either be my friend or don't talk to me. Stop trying to cause more drama." I said.

"You have a grudge over me?" She giggled.

I look at her again.

"I don't-.. I- but I will eventually. I can't even enjoy my time here with you arguing with me and being all sassy and bitchy to me." I tell her. She smirks and looks away but didn't respond. I feel like whenever she does that, an idea or something pops up in her mind. It's sexy but annoying. This is why I can't be around her. I'll call for her even more, even with her sassy attitude.

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