Check on Me

180 13 3

Leahs POV

This week has been shit. Ever since that night I left that girl and ended things with her through text, I've just been feeling like shit. I feel like a screw up. I had even called out for work this past week for about two days after that night. I was fine because I barely drank. But I just had a weird feeling in me. I just want to feel happy again.

Anyways, I went throughout my day shopping for food for the house, making a stop to the bank, buying some essentials for myself and such. Then I got home around 7 pm and started off with making dinner for me and Michelle.

"What's cooking?" Michelle asks as she walks out of the bathroom with a towel on her shoulders because her hair was wet.

"Shrimp and rice" I said happily. "Mmm. Sounds yummy. How many minutes should it be taking?"

"Maybe 15 more minutes." I said.

"Okay cool. Also, someone dropped these off for you earlier today" she says and points at a vase of flowers. I furrowed my brows and asked. "From?"

"That one girl you dumped the other day." She says. I scoffed and threw them right away in the trash.

"Damn!" She says. "Well I don't need her to beg for me back. I'm not just someone she can use."

"That's just gross of her to be having you fuck her and other men."

"I know. I don't know how I didn't realize how bad she is til I saw Jennifer at that kickback"

"Has she texted you ever since that night?" Michelle asks.

"Jennifer? No. She said after that night she never ever wants to deal with me again. Which is fine. I'm just glad she got me out of that"

"Hmm... looks like she still cares for you"

"She just did what any other girl would do to save a fellow girl"

"Mhm. And she's probably rethinking the whole situation. She's thinking about you" she smirks. "Shut the fuck up and don't play because I still like her. I'm over her but not fully. I saw her that night and wondered how I was gonna deal with not staring her down but I did. She caught me several times but gave me the meanest looks. Yet she still helped me"


"Hush!" I giggled.

Michelle likes to joke around a lot like that. So I didn't take it seriously.

But then as it was becoming our bedtime, we usually watch tv together in the living room, and I was about to get up to go to my room. I stretched and then heard my phone ding. I looked at my phone and completely gotten confused.

"She texted me" I said suddenly. "Who?"



"She asked me how I was doing because of what happened"

"I told youuuu" Michelle says and pokes me. I roll my eyes and got up. "Goodnight" I tell her. "Niiiight" she says happily. I giggled and went into my room, laid in bed and started typing.

"why should u care?" I responded.

She started typing. I waited and waited. Then she stopped. Alright then.

Then she called me on FaceTime. Now I feel like this is some joke. But I answered it anyways. I was curious.

"Don't act like a bitch with me because I will pull up to your house right now. I just wanna know if that bitch is still messing with you or what. Because that's ridiculous what she tried doing. And that you weren't aware of what she was trying to do" she says quickly to me.

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