⭐️ Chapter 19 ~ The New Kid Hercules

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Chapter 19 ~ The New Kid Hercules

There are several ways to wake up in the morning. Either by an ear piercing alarm, a good spray of water to the face or you are just happen to be one of those individuals with their own internal alarm system that wakes them up exactly when appropriate.

Today, I was treated by the oldest alarm in the book; the little sister who can't seem to get the fact that you need five more minutes to function properly. A method, my own sister excelled at, as she loomed over me, with her hands on her hips, glaring at me and with a snark.

Sigh... just when the dream started to get good too.

Through the fuzziness of my eyes, I could see that she was already dressed and looked like she was ready to go. She wore a short, hot pink skirt and a white blouse with a warm puffy jacket to retaliate the weather outside. Her perfect honey blonde hair was in artistically pinned back. Hmm... ah right, it's P.E today... no need to waste an effort on a more extravagant attire.

With a groan, I slipped out of my blanketed cocoon, immediately regretting it as the cold air hit my skin and inched towards the bathroom for a warm shower. I could practically hear her rolling her eyes at me as she trailed my path, "Any day now." She droned and I gladly shut the bathroom door in her face.


As I entered the gates of hell, I snuggled up in my jacket. Hell was awfully cold this time of year. I caught up to James who was a few steps ahead of me only to see he was checking out some girls that were practicing cheerleading on the front lawn. "Dude. Stop being such a perv." I exclaimed, smacking him on the arm.

He jumped a little surprised by my voice but then quickly recovered with a cheeky grin. "Lex, come on, a man has his needs!" He nudged me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh my god!" I scrunched up my face in disgust and pushed him away. "Please keep you and your raging hormones away from me."

He cracked up laughing, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" He repeated as he put his hands up in defence.

I let out a snort of disgust and fastened my pace to walk ahead of him, but he caught up seconds later. This went on till we reached the front of the school. We did our usual routine and went to my locker first, unpacked, then his locker and did the same. By the time we finished, the bell for our first lesson went and we set off in our separate ways.

I had maths, a lesson I wasn't too thrilled about, and I slowly trudged to class. In all honesty, maths was my favourite subject, for some strange reason. It was the one subject where I could just hide in my corner by the window and engross myself in my textbook. The teacher didn't really talk to me and neither did any other students.

The lesson went quickly as my hand scurried across the page in a frenzy to finish my work, then the bell rang and everyone shuffled to their next lesson.

I had chemistry next and once again I had no friends to chat to and take me away from the agonising pain of the chemical reactions between Beryllium and Nitrogen.

By the time lunch rolled around, I had a throbbing migraine and an odd craving for a blanket and perhaps a pillow. I slipped into my usual seat at the back of the Lunch Room, also known as the cafeteria; shocker that it was hardly referred to as the latter, (our school was far too refined for such a crude words) and munched on an apple; the only substance available for free and could still provide me with nutrients.

There was an unusual ruckus in the cafeteria today. Cheerleaders had their purple, blue and yellow pom poms flying all over the place and most of our 'jocks', as one might call them, were gathered around a table and cheering.

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