⭐️ Chapter 12 ~ My Happily Never After

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Dedicated to @FuzzyLittleMunchkin for the awesome cover (to the side) and being my editor and putting up with me through all my constant complaints XP <3

Chapter 12 ~ My Happily Never After

"So much to do, so little time!" My mum sighed as she raced around the house in her haste to get everything in perfect order for my 18th birthday debutant ball. Yes, you heard that right...my 18th birthday debutant ball. Words, I doubt most, couldn't bare to string together.

For those of you that don't know, a debutante ball is ...well... a ball (duh!) that is held when a girl or young lady from an aristocratic or upper class family has reached the age of maturity and is introduced to society at a formal "debut" presentation. Hence to word "debutante". It actually comes from the French word débutante which means 'female beginner'.

So for society it means another young girl had started her stages towards her female life.

For me it basically means; Yay puberty!

Note the sarcasm

"What are you doing just sitting around Alexa?!" My mum practically screeched at the sight of me lounged down on a couch with my feet on the coffee table across me, reading a book.

"Mum, I'm not gonna help prepare for something I don't even want to go to." I retorted.

She scoffed and told me that Allison was on her way to make me a new dress especially tailored for my "Initiation into womanhood"

After my mum hurried off to the kitchen to make sure that all the food preparations were going as planned, I slipped away to have a walk to our ballroom.

Yeah, you heard me right. It's a legitimate ballroom. With tiled floors, large white marble pillars and windows as big as giants. Basically everything you could ever hope for in a proper ballroom.

Entering the room, I couldn't help but admire the large double oak doors. I wasn't big on those fancy schmancy stuff, but I knew taste when I see it. The doors creaked open and you were welcomed into an indoor balcony which is where I was too be "presented" on what was supposed to be my special day. Each side of the white balcony was adored by a golden rimmed staircase that led to the heart of the ballroom below. Matching chandeliers hung from the ceiling above. The gems embedded on them sparkled like the stars back at the dirt hills.

I shook off the memory. Why couldn't I just let those days go? This was a celebration of my future, I shouldn't be dwelling on the past.

The party would be held here tomorrow night. People of all ages would be dressed up in their best, in honour of yours truly. Funny how most of the invites were those chosen by my mother, I barely knew most of them.

Usually this place would be empty, but now it was swarming with maids and servants scurrying around. Some were hanging curtains woven of leaves and lilies to drape between the large white pillars. The small Christmas lights were my idea. Probably the only idea my mother permitted that would be seen through. It had always been a dream of mine to re-create the magical wonderland I had seen once before, hidden in the Emerald Gardens.

With once last glace I swirled on my heel. I was about to head to the kitchen to grab a snack when a young maid rushed to my side.

"Lady Allison is here for you, Milady." She said politely.

"Thanks." I replied with a nod, and at that, she scurried away.

Guess snack time will just have to wait.


"Sweetie, I know you don't want to do this but you have no choice." Allison said.

"But I don't wanna!" I whined and crossed my arms across my chest.

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