⭐️ Chapter 14 ~ Hidden Faces

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Dedicated to MyLoveFromTheStar for the AMAZING cover that totally suits this chapter! It looks so freaking cool, and pretty, and...Professional.....GAAH I JUST LOVE IT!

Chapter 14 ~ Hidden Faces

My heels clicked loudly over the tilled pathway only to reach the terrace that rested right in the middle of our flower ridden gardens.

My eyes surveyed the dimly lit clearing and felt a slight twinge of frustration having seen as he was nowhere to be found.

Great, now where did he disappear off to...?

"Looking for me?" A soothing voice broke through the eerie night air. Turning around, I was welcomed to the sight of Mystery Boy leaning against a pillar with his hands stuffed in his pockets and that cheeky grin of his spread across his face.

"Pfft, no! I was just looking for the bathroom." The lie stammered out of my lips as I made a show of looking around as if I was looking for a loo to magically Poof! and appear on the grounds.

Real smooth Alexa, real smooth.

I felt him edge closer as his voice interrupted my half-hearted search.

"Outside? On the terrace? At your own house?"

I huffed and turned towards the giddy boy with an all so cheery smile on his lips at my dilemma.

"Okay fine, you caught me. I was looking for you." His smile turned into a full on grin as he ushered me down the stairs and the gardens below.

"You should go back to your party. Wouldn't want to be caught hanging with me." He said as his gaze fixated on his ground, kicking a small pebble that stood in his path.

"I came to apologies," I said quietly and he lifted his head. "Don't listen to that arrogant jerk, he doesn't know what he's saying. Plus it's my life; I can talk to however I want!" I finished triumphantly as we started to walk slowly along the stoned path.

"But he's right you know." He smiled at me weakly, "I'm not who you think I am."

"Next you'll be telling me you're a secret spy or a super hero." He chuckled.

"I'm serious; I'm not rich like you."

"Does it matter?" He looked into my eyes as if he was trying to see a hint of lie, but try as he must, I was being utterly serious on the matter, "Why should it matter if you're not rich enough? Not everything revolves around money." I continued quietly, knowing my family would have an entirely different opinion.

"You know your different from other rich girls I've meet." He chuckled as we sat on a stone seat next to a small fountain.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment." I grinned.

Reaching out to put a hand to my face, his warm fingers brushed my cheek as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and whispered, "Good, because it was meant to be one."

His face was only inches away from mine, close enough to get a whiff of his sweet vanilla scent.

For once, I was glad about the mask. It acted as a shield to hide my heated face. Yet, despite my slight embarrassment, I felt quite... content. His eyes, however, continued to bore into mine as if trying to solve a puzzle.

"I know this will sound weird but...," he whispered, "...I mean, I've just met you yet... yet, every time I look into your eyes it feels as though I've known you my whole life."

My heart fluttered at the revelation.

"You know who I am but I still don't know the hero hidden behind that mask of yours." I breathed out and he chuckled.

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